Food Across the Globe

Our impact on food -- food safety and security, improved crop yields and new crop varieties that reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides, improved health and nutrition, development of food policy -- stretches around the world.

CANR's work in food around the globe

Our impact on food -- food safety and security, improved crop yields and new crop varieties that reduce the need for pesticides and herbicides, improved health and nutrition, development of food policy -- stretches around the world. Our faculty members, researchers, students and staff strive to find ways to use the world's resources to the best and most sustainable benefit of Earth and its people.


Here's where we're working around the globe:

400 MSU Extension faculty and staff members work in food production, education and research in Michigan.


140 CANR researchers are working around the world on projects related to food.


1 Bangladesh

Agriculture Biotechnology Project:  Developing a late blight resistant potato


2 Benin

Improving the inclusiveness of agricultural value chains in West Africa


3 Burkina Faso

Guiding Investments in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa - policy impact leading to improved food security and living standards -; African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) - enhance the capacity of African countries to build functional biosafety regulatory systems that will enable countries to harness modern agricultural biotechnology support for improved food security, income and livelihoods, while minimizing potential risks to the environment and human health -


4 Burma/Myanmar

Improving Food Security Research and Analysis Capacity in Myanmar


5 Burundi

Boosting coffee industry


6 Cambodia

Evaluation of the Cambodia HARVEST: Helping Address Rural Vulnerabilities and Ecosystem Stability


7 China

Understanding today's global agricultural markets in terms of the emerging Chinese economy & food safety regulations in exported products from China


8 Columbia

Building an export agricultural industry in a post-conflict society


9 Costa Rica

Anaerobic digester to create heat or electricity, as well as partially decomposed organic matter, water and nutrients that can be applied to crop fields as fertilizer


10 Ethiopia

Guiding Investments in Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa - policy impact leading to improved food security and living standards -; African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE)


11 Ghana

Sweet potato research and ABNE


12 Guatemala

Increasing bean productivity by resource poor smallholder farmers in the agro-ecologies of the Western Highlands of Guatemala


13 Honduras

Dry Bean Production


14 India

Dairy industry development


15 Indonesia



16 Kenya

Modeling Household Food Security given Climate Change Uncertainty; Scaling up Sweet Potato through Agriculture and Nutrition Project:


17 Malawi

Dairy Industry Development; Scaling Up Sweet Potato Through Agriculture and Nutrition Project; Improvements in crop diversity and soil heath to increase yields of cereal grains and bushy legumes -


18 Mali

Mobilizing food security


19 Mozambique

Scaling Up Sweet Potato Through Agriculture and Nutrition Project; Food Security Policy Project


20 Nepal

International Food Safety Short Course; Chronic aflatoxin exposure in children living in Nepal


21 Nigeria

Guiding policy efforts to expand the use of farming methods that meet agricultural needs and improve environmental quality


22 Nicaragua

Bring aid to Nicaragua's farming industry and provide food, jobs and sustainability to a region poorly in need


23 Pakistan

Food Security Group: Agricultural Productivity Growth and Food Security in Pakistan


24 Rwanda

Scaling up Sweet Potato through Agriculture and Nutrition Project; Rwanda Coffee Project; Rwanda Women's Agriculture Development Project


25 Senegal

Improve Food Supply in Senegal by bolstering agricultural education and research systems.  This project has increased food supply and nutrition in Senegal


26 Tanzania

Guiding policy efforts to expand the use of farming methods that meet agricultural needs and improve environmental quality in Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Zambia, Ethiopia and Tanzania. MSU researchers are working with universities, institutes and government ministries to promote strategies to help farmers become more productive and food secure. These strategies are designed to build the capacity of national policy institutes to support their own agriculture ministries and compete for and manage international grants.


27 Thailand

A study to describe the epidemiology of Salmonella in food animals and humans in northern Thailand


28 Uganda

Uganda: from the Gardent to School -; Soil Health and Research


29 United States


30 Vietnam

Food Safety Knowledge Network:


31 Zambia

Food security and agricultural policy



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