Field crop management update set for February 5
The field crop management update will help farmers and crop consultants learn about new pests and changes to 2015 MSU Extension insect, weed, disease and fertilizer recommendations.
The Michigan State University Extension field crops team will be conducting a Crop Management Update for Mid-Michigan farmers on Feb. 5, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Mason Technology Center, 474 S. Onondaga Road, Mason, MI 48854.
For online registration, please go to the Field Crops Meeting Events page, then select the Mason location for Feb. 5 and register for this event. More details can be found in the brochure, which also includes a mail-in registration form. A mail-in registration form is also available. The registration fee is $20 per person, which includes the cost of lunch, refreshments and the 2015 E-434 “MSU Weed Control Guide for Field Crops and Forages.”
This program is designed to help farmers and crop consultants learn about new pests in Michigan and changes in MSU Extension recommendations in field crop weed, insect and disease control and soil fertility for the 2015 growing season. The topics include integrated management of white mold, foliar fungicides in corn, nitrogen fertilizer losses, cover crops, weed control options, western corn rootworm resistance, wheat management and grain marketing. We will review the 2014 challenging year and focus on 2015 production issues, declining commodity prices and rising input costs. The speakers are from MSU Extension.
RUP and CCA credits are pending approval. If you have questions, please contact Bruce MacKellar, Van Buren County MSU Extension, at 269-657-8213 or, or George Silva, Eaton County MSU Extension, at 517-543-4467 or