Landon Tillman loves the hands-on nature of his education
Landon Tillmann is a student in our Certificate Program and a Wisconsin native.
Featured Student
Landon Tillmann who is in our Certificate Program. Landon's hometown is Luxemburg, Wisconsin and he is earning his certificate in Landscape and Nursery Management. We asked Landon a few questions about himself:
Why did you choose Horticulture and this certificate program?
I wanted to be done in two years and the landscape and nursery management program was exactly what I wanted to concentrate in.
What is the best selling point about your major that you would like others to know?
All the classes that are required are directly related to your major. Also many of the classes are hands-on so you are able to learn how to do things like stick cuttings or make correct cuts while pruning.
What are your future plans?
I plan to go back to Wisconsin and work for my Dad’s nursery and hopefully take over the business one day.