Expand your knowledge of vegetable production at the 2024 Great Lakes Expo
This year’s GLEXPO schedule is packed with educational opportunities for vegetable growers.
The Great Lakes Expo (GLEXPO) is the premier fruit, vegetable and farm market expo in the Midwest. This annual event features educational sessions on important industry topics, a large trade show for networking and discovery, and other specialized workshops and meetings. This convention has been held annually since 2001 and has been a consistent favorite among growers and other ag professionals across the country.
Each year the event features a robust agenda of vegetable programming organized by Michigan State University Extension. The educational presentations cover a wide range of crops, offering something for everybody when it comes to learning about new developments in the vegetable industry. Many of the sessions are also worth Michigan and Ohio restricted use pesticide (RUP) credits and certified crop advisor (CCA) credits in various categories.
The event will be held at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan from Dec. 10-12, 2024.
The following is further information on the vegetable sessions offered at the Expo this year. These are highlights for vegetable producers and is by no means the complete program. Many other educational sessions centered on fruit, greenhouse production, farm-marketing and other areas of specialty crop production will be offered as well. To view the full agenda and to find more information, please visit the GLEXPO website.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Pickles and Vine Crops: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Pest Management in Cucurbits with an Emphasis on Pollinator Protection
Laura Ingwell - Purdue University
Houghtaling Farms: Our Experience Growing Cucumbers and Pumpkins. Challenges and our Strategies
Mike Houghtaling - Houghtaling Farms
Trends from the Vine Crop Seed World
Dana Hilfinger - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Downy Mildew Update
Mary Hausbeck - Michigan State University
Asparagus: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Asparagus Beetle Management
Zsofia Szendrei - Michigan State University
Purple Spot Update
John Spafford - Michigan State University
Mary Hausbeck - Michigan State University
Irrigation and Calcium Interactions in Asparagus
Zack Hayden - Michigan State University
Progress Towards Predicting Asparagus Emergence
Dan Brainard - Michigan State University
Brassicas: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Tips and Tricks for Summer Harvested Broccoli and Cauliflower
Ben Phillips - Michigan State University Extension
Diversifying Weed Management Strategies for Improving Weed Control in Cole Crops
Thierry Besancon - Rutgers University
Lessons Learned Growing Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Baby Kale on a Commercial Scale
Jon Dinsmore - Dinsmore Farms, Inc.
Managing Insect Pests in Brassica Crops
Zsofia Szendrei - Michigan State University

Sweet Corn: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Managing Insect Pests in Sweet Corn
Zsofia Szendrei - Michigan State University
Wildlife Management Strategies in Corn
Olivia Smith - Michigan State University
Evaluating Tools to Manage Sweet Corn Tar Spot in Central Wisconsin
Amanda Gevens - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sweet Corn Weed Control Begins With the Weeds
Mark VanGessel - University of Delaware
Root Crops: 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Root Crop Weed Control Roundtable
Katrina Becker - Cattail Organics
Wendy Zhang - Kejay Farms
Sam Oschwald Tilton - Glacial Drift Enterprises
A Primer on Aster Yellows and Testing in 2024
Jan Byrne - Michigan State University
Researching Root Lesion Nematodes in Carrots and More
Marisol Quintanilla-Tornel - Michigan State University
Lance Fosberg - Michigan State University
Getting the Most from your Carrots Through Beneficial Root-microbial Relationships
Lori Hoagland - Purdue University

Soil Health and Cover Cropping: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Promoting Beneficial Microbes with Biocontrol Capabilities in Tomato Cropping Systems
Lori Hoagland - Purdue University
Managing Nematodes with Soil Amendments in Vegetable and Fruit Crops
Marisol Quintanilla - Michigan State University
Soil Health Strategies at Providence Organic Farm
Ryan Romeyn - Providence Organic Farm
Cover Crops for Weed Control and Other Goals
Katrina (Kat) Becker - Cattail Organics
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Mushrooms: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
How We Do It: Wild Foraging
Aaron Grenchik - Great Lakes Treats
How We Do It: Outdoor Production
Rich Leep - Leep Mushrooms
How We Do It: Indoor Production
Chris Swinson - Mycophile's Garden
How We Do It: Marketing
Jill Grenchik - Great Lakes Treats
Rich Leep - Leep Mushrooms
Chris Swinson - Mycophile's Garden
Onion: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Stemphylium Update
Mary Hausbeck - Michigan State University
Onion Weed Control and IPM - An Ontario Perspective
Wendy Zhang - Kejay Farms
New Onion Weeds and their Seeds
Dan Brainard - Michigan State University
Jordan Hoekstra - Vriesland Growers Cooperative, Inc
Onion Thrips Research Update
Zsofia Szendrei - Michigan State University
Tomato Pepper Eggplant: 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Soil-biodegradable Plastic Mulch: Should you Make the Switch?
Shuresh Ghimire - University of Connecticut
The Secret Sauce: How We Add Value to Chili’s in a Northern Climate
Nate Mehren - Fat Baby Hot Sauce
Innovative Bed Designs for Tomato Production: Analyzing Soil Fumigation and Irrigation Patterns
Emmanuel Torres Quezada - North Carolina State University
How We Do It: Grafting, Steaming, and Soil Disinfestation
Ernest Zimmerman
Terry Zimmerman

Organic Vegetable Management: 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Systems of Machinery for Any Scale, with a Focus On Controlling Weeds
Sam Oschwald Tilton - Glacial Drift Enterprises, LLC
Your First Date with the Soil-making Good Observations and Soil Testing
Vicki Morrone - Michigan State University
Pest Management in Protected Culture With Emphasis on Biological Control
Laura Ingwell - Purdue University
Organic Meet and Greet
Julie Studier - Tower Hill Farm
Ryan Romeyn - Providence Farm
Katie Brandt - Michigan State University
Potato: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Potato Insect and Pest Management for Market Growers
Ray Rantz - Michigan State University
Zsofia Szendrei - Michigan State University
Potato Disease Management for Market Producers
Jaime Willbur - Michigan State University
Irrigation Management and Efficiency in Potato Systems
Younsuk Dong - Michigan State University
Lyndon Kelley - Michigan State University & Purdue University
Nematodes in Potato Systems - Is Compost a Solution?
Marisol Quintanilla - Michigan State University
Celery: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Carrot Weevil Control
Elizabeth Long - Purdue University
Update on Celery Meltdown Research
Douglas Minier - Michigan State University
Mary Hausbeck - Michigan State University
Primer on Aster Yellows and Leafhopper Testing in 2024
Jan Byrne - MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostics
Registration is open now. Make a plan to attend GLEXPO this year to learn and connect with fellow vegetable growers, university and extension staff and other ag service providers from all around the country. You never know what new ideas or opportunities you will find at the annual Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo.