At ESA, envisioning sustainability in a telecoupled world
The Ecological Society of America got an earful of telecoupling Thursday morning as global experts gathered to exchange ideas about how to approach sustainability systemically -- from grazing cattle to palm oil to water zombies.
The Ecological Society of America got an earful of telecoupling Thursday morning as global experts gathered to exchange ideas about how to approach sustainability systemically -- from grazing cattle to palm oil to water zombies.
In total, more than 100 people attended all or portions of the presentation "Ecological Sustainability in a Telecoupled World" organized by MSU's Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability director Jianguo "Jack" Liu and moderated by CSIS associate director Bill McConnell in Minneapolis at ESA's annual meeting.
Nine CHANS-Net Fellows also were there, giving oral or poster presentations.
The panel:
Jane Lubchenco, Stanford University; Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute; Karen Seto, Yale University; Thomas Hertel, Purdue University; Joanne Gaskell, University of California, Berkeley; and Steven J. Davis, University of California, Irvine