Eaton County supporting dairy farmers 2017
When you support MSU Extension, you help local dairy farmers learn profitable and efficient business and production practices.
On-site training, farm visits and general education
MSU Extension Dairy Educator, Faith Cullens, and her colleagues provided education and consultation throughout 2017 to help improve the lives of local dairy farmers. There were educational opportunities for employers, employees and the general public to learn about the important issues facing Michigan’s Dairy Industry and the parts played by both producer and consumer. 2017 included:
- Spanish for Dairy Farmers - This program included 6 weeks of instruction for a limited class size. The classes were taught by a Spanish speaker to help participants learn common phrases used on the farm, as well as help with pronunciation and sentence structures.
- Dairy Nutrition Roundtables - Roundtable discussions were held for new information as well as common experience to be shared.
- Animal Handling - Presentations in regard to the importance of passive transfer on calves.
- Antibiotic Use - Presentations and discussion on the prudent use of antibiotics for dairy animals.
- Farm Visits - Visits to local farms to assess feeding systems or in some cases to include out farm business management colleagues to asses the financial strength of local operations.