Clubs Year in Review 2022
Hear about the highlights of 2022 in the words of the club presidents.

Leader Dog Club
Leader Dogs for the Blind Club is a small club which has begun only a few years ago and we are growing by the day! The purpose of this organization shall be to educate those interested in becoming a Leader Dogs for the Blind puppy raiser and those who may not be able to raise a puppy but have a dedicated and enthusiastic interest in assisting puppy raisers by fundraising and educating the public on Leader Dogs for the Blind and the services they provide while positively promoting the image of Leader Dogs for the Blind and puppy raisers. Our fundraisers and events are focused around supporting our puppy raisers and giving back to the Leader Dog Organization. -Mia Ciarlone

Rodeo Club
The MSU Rodeo Club has been hard at work this year hosting socials, recruiting new members, and especially planning the 53rd Annual Spartan Stampede for February. We made it a point this year to really teach the students on MSU’s campus more about rodeo, and we did that by hosting a 3-week series of educational meetings that taught students how the different events involved in rodeo work. This series of events was a huge success, was super fun, and brought in many new faces! The club also had the opportunity to travel down to Guthrie, Oklahoma for the International Finals Rodeo where we were invited to an awards ceremony and named one of the top 5 IPRA Indoor Rodeos of the Year. -Ellana Haifley

Pre-veterinary Medical Association
Pre-Veterinary Medical Association has had a stellar past year. We have had record attendance in the past year with phenomenal speakers each week. We invite speakers from all different areas of the veterinary medical field to come and speak about their careers, as well as how they got there. We also help our community by hosting dog washes multiple times per semester, volunteering at the Constellation Cat Cafe, and making dog and cat toys for the Capital Area Humane Society. Our members also help at Nottingham Nature Nook, and Mitten Misfits Farm Sanctuary with various animals. We are very fortunate to have made connections with the farms on campus as well, helping out with the lambing, farrowing, and calving processes. Our goal is that our club is a welcoming and inclusive group that fosters growth and education for future veterinary professionals. We are so thankful to be involved in so many great parts of the veterinary medical field and can't wait to continue on with more events this upcoming semester. -Alex Sills

This year the Animal Science Undergraduate Research Student Association has grown exponentially from last year now with over 60 club members. This year ASURSA’s annual research project is equine focused. We are studying the effects of intra-articular steroid injections on the metabolic profile of normal and insulin-resistant horses under the guide of Dr. Jane Manfredi and her graduate student Brooke Boger in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Our students are involved with conducting physical exams, collecting blood samples and husbandry of our research horses. In the upcoming year we will also have students presenting our research at UURAF and ASURF. -Maya Salamey

Avian Science Club
The Avian Science Club spent the fall semester organizing their 12th annual Turkey Fundraiser. Students in the club gain experience working hands-on raising turkeys for 15 weeks before processing and packaging them for Thanksgiving. With the money raised from the fundraiser club members are able to attend the International Production and Processing Expo in Atlanta, Georgia in late January. Aside from the turkey fundraiser, the club has also been able to hear from some amazing speakers at their meetings including a representative from the USDA and a Poultry Veterinarian. Club Members also were able to participate in multiple fun mindless activities and grow their knowledge In Poultry. -Jessica Franckiewica

Animal Welfare Club
This year has been very exciting and eventful for Animal Welfare Club. We have hosted many guest speakers from a variety of animal-based careers as well as organized volunteer outings where our members have been able to improve animal welfare firsthand in the local community. This past March, the club took a weekend trip to Chicago in which members were able to explore several animal institutions in the city and bond with each other throughout the trip. Our number one highlight from this past year has been the amazing success of our university wide merchandise fundraiser in which we were able to raise enough money to send a record high of 9 students to the AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest where our two teams placed 4th and 5th overall ( As a club, we are currently working towards creating a spring semester schedule packed full of educational and social opportunities. -Jenna Volinski

Block & Bridle Club
The 2022-2023 Block and Bridle club has been busy building bonds, networking with industry professionals and preparing for our upcoming shows. In the fall we heard from three different industry professionals. The professionals were Matt Asmus, a swine nutritionist with ADM and the co-owner of Platinum Shelton Livestock, Ernie Birchmeier, senior industry relations specialist in the public policy division at Michigan Farm Bureau, and Nancy Thelen, involved with the Michigan Junior Angus Association and 4-H. We have also done a lot of fun meetings which included pie eating contest, pumpkin painting, cornhole, chili cookoff, cookie decorating and ugly Christmas sweater contest. The most important thing we did this past fall was initiate all our new members into the club. -Taylor Mulder

Michigan State Dairy Club
MSU Dairy Club has been in full swing transitioning back to more events, MSU Dairy Club has been connecting with students, faculty and staff, and our following on our social media to work on our goals of promoting the dairy industry and providing educational and informative resources for our viewers. We have spent time completing community service by donating milk and cheese to the Greater Lansing Food Bank, hosting a Milk and Cookie promotion event in Anthony Hall to celebrate the holidays with students, as well as taking some members to World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin for the first time since 2018. We are continuing to provide wonderful opportunities for our members and guests and are always so appreciative of the support we receive from sponsors and supporters. -Samantha Whitehead

Driving Club
For the year of 2022, the MSU Driving Club focused on member recruitment and provided opportunities for students to get hands-on experience with draft horses. During our fall club meetings, we would meet at the MSU Horse Teaching & Research Center to practice hitching and driving a team of draft horses. In addition to enjoying wagon rides around the farm, club members also had the opportunity to participate in the Michigan Great Lakes International Draft Horse Show this past October. -Shannon Good

Michigan State University Horseman's Association
MSU Horsemen’s Association has had a fun filled fall semester. We have many new members and lots of fun socials like paint with numbers. In November, all of us got together and put on our second annual two-day horse show. It was met with lots of success and smiles from everyone. Horsemen’s Association hosted MSU Horsemen’s Weekend January 14th-15th. We were very excited to have several amazing clinicians and sponsors for our event and look forward to what 2023 brings! -Caylyn Mira