Cloverbud camp builds skills for youth and teens
With 24 5- to 8-year-olds in attendance, Washtenaw County 4-H held its first ever 4-H Cloverbud Camp June 16-18, 2009. Seventeen 4-H teen counselors served as mentors for the participants and assisted campers with activities.
With 24 5- to 8-year-olds in attendance, Washtenaw County 4-H held its first ever 4-H Cloverbud Camp June 16–18, 2009. Seventeen 4-H teen counselors served as mentors for the participants and assisted campers with activities.
Each of the three days had a specific theme, and activities were planned around these daily themes. All attendees received pedometers to log their daily steps. The campers took a total of 378,180 steps during the three days of camp! Focusing on good health and exercise, campers and counselors made their own jump ropes and learned rope games taken from the Jump Into Foods and Fitness program. Camp counselors presented daily demonstrations on healthy eating, and snacks were prepared accordingly. In addition to healthy eating and exercise, activities included craft projects and educational demonstrations about farm animals and natural resources.
Both counselors and cloverbuds benefitted from participating in the camp. All 17 camp counselors reported they increased their leadership skills and practiced patience through their service as counselors. Sixteen counselors (94 percent) reported they developed a caring relationship with at least one younger youth, and 15 counselors (88 percent) said the experience made them more likely to help younger members during other events. The cloverbuds seemed to enjoy the experience, too – 90 percent said they would like to return next year. Plans are already underway for 2010’s camp, which will be held June 15-17, 2010.