Clean Boats Clean Waters training slated for 2015

Stay informed, be involved. Aquatic invasive species prevention has become a priority within the state. Learn how to identify and prevent aquatic invasive species in your local lakes and streams.

Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW) program volunteers make a big difference at local lakes by helping to prevent the spread of unwanted aquatic hitchhikers on boats, trailers, sporting equipment and other watercrafts. Michigan says that it is unlawful to put any watercraft and carrying trailer into a body of water if there is visible vegetation clinging to it. This helps, but there is more that you can do. Species of concern in Michigan also include those organisms that are both plants and animals such as: Eurasian water milfoil, curly leaf pondweed, zebra mussel, spiny water flea, rusty crayfish and more.

The CBCW volunteer leader training schedule through Michigan State University Extension is out for 2015 with six trainings planned throughout the state. The first one is scheduled for February 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Van Buren Conference Center in Lawrence Michigan. Registration is available online. You can also download a flier listing all locations and times. If you need more information contact me, Beth Clawson, at or call 269-330-5554.

A CBCW volunteer is a person who cares to stay informed and is passionate about maintaining the highest water quality of their lake or river. Through sharing that knowledge and passion with others volunteers invest in helping boat owners inspect their own watercraft before and after enter the water. They encourage prevention of the introduction of aquatic invasive species through working together.

To learn more about invasive organisms and invasive aquatic plants contact Michigan State University Extension Natural Resources educators who are working across Michigan to provide aquatic invasive species educational programming and assistance. You can contact an educator through MSU Extension’s “Find an Expert” search tool using the topic: “Water Quality.”

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