Chatting with the judge: Elaine Page
Michigan 4-H horse show judge Elaine Page shares her personal perspective on her favorite classes, pet peeves and best piece of advice she’s been given.
I’m excited to continue a series of Michigan State University Extension interviews with some of your favorite horse judges from around Michigan. I spent some time with one of these industry professionals, Elaine Page. Here’s what Elaine and I chatted about!
Taylor: What's your favorite class to judge and why?
Elaine: Showmanship. I believe it is important to build that strong bond with your horse long before you put your foot in the stirrup. This builds a trust between you and your horse that carries over to when you step up into that saddle.
Taylor: What are your favorite things in that class that help the top exhibitors shine for you?
Elaine: Knowing and performing the pattern correctly, straight lines, being crisp but not over showing. My biggest pet peeves is an improper fitted halter and backing directly in front of your horse.
Taylor: What trend in the show industry would you like to see leave anytime?
Elaine: Bling. I look for skill and performance and feel bling has no place in the factor. Neat, clean and well-tailored, and concentrate on colors that complements you and your horse.
Taylor: What is the best piece of advice (in regards to the equine industry) that you've ever received?
Elaine: How important it is to have a good nutrition program for your horses. When doing it right, it can save you money!
Thank you so much, Elaine, for spending a bit of your time with me. I loved hearing some of your thoughts!
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