Changes in small fruit weed control registrations for 2019

Prowl is no longer labeled for use in blueberry and caneberry. New herbicide labels for small fruit crops should provide better weed suppression.


Several new herbicide labels for small fruit crops have been approved by EPA during the past year. These new labels will provide additional tools for producers of small fruits to maintain their crops with minimal weed competition and obtain maximum yields.

Trellis (isoxaben) is labeled for preemergence control of several broadleaf weeds in blueberry and juneberry. Trellis has good activity against several difficult weeds, including horseweed, common ragweed, common lambsquarters, nightshades and pigweeds. Apply Trellis in the spring before weeds emerge. Trellis may also be used in the year of planting in all bushberries and caneberries.

Quinstar (quinclorac) may be applied postemergence to blueberry, juneberry and caneberry. Quinstar controls several annual and perennial grasses and broadleaves, including barnyardgrass, crabgrass, foxtails, bindweed, Canada thistle, sowthistle and horsenettle.

Fusilade (fluazifop) is labeled for blueberry, juneberry, grape, caneberry and strawberry. Fusilade is a postemergence grass herbicide, with activity against most annual grasses and some perennial grasses. It is effective against quackgrass and orchardgrass, among other perennial grasses.

The Prowl H2O 3.8 ACS supplemental label for blueberry and caneberry expired at the end of 2018 and has not been renewed. Do not use Prowl H2O on these crops during 2019. Prowl H2O is labeled for strawberry and several tree fruits.

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