Canva MSU Extension and Michigan 4-H social media graphic templates how-to

A step by step process on how to select and edit the MSU Extension social media graphic template on Canva.

For graphics, click one of the following links. 

1. MSU Extension wordmark graphic templates:

OR DAD6SE44HyI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton&mode=preview



MSU Extension & Michigan 4-H wordmark graphic templates:



2. Click Use Template

 canva use template

3. Create a free Canva Account

MSU Extension Social Media Graphic Step Three

4. Change the name of the graphic to your own title name in the upper right corner (where it says "New Name" in the below image.)

MSU Extension Social Media Graphic Step Six

5. Add your text into the graphic (it automatically saves as you go)

6. Want to add a different photo? You can search Photos tab on the left side bar or you can upload your own using the Uploadtab on the left. 

MSU Extension Social Media Graphic Step Ten

7. Once you've picked or uploaded a photo, you'll need to drag it over the other image and it should replace it.

8. When you're ready to download, click Download (top right) where you can download all the images, or you can select the images you want to download

MSU Extension Social Media Graphic Step Eight

9. The next time you want a graphic, you'll just be able to go to, login, and your graphics will show up under Your Designs

MSU Extension Social Media Graphic Step Nine


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