CANR recognizes faculty and academic promotions
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources annually recognizes faculty and academic promotions.
The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and MSU Extension will recognize 2018-2019 faculty and academic promotions at the annual Spring Celebration on April 25, 2019.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Martin Ian Chilvers: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
- Bert Michael Cregg: Professor-Tenure System, Department of Horticulture
- Jonathan G Dahl: Senior Specialist - Outreach-Continuing, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
- Erin A. Dreelin: Associate Professor-Fixed Term, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Steven Allan Gray: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Community Sustainability
- Nanda P. Joshi: Associate Professor-Fixed Term, Department of Animal Science
- Jennifer Knowles: Specialist - Advisor-Continuing, School of Planning, Design and Construction
- Jo Anne Latimore: Senior Specialist - Outreach-Continuing, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Lenis Saweda Liverpool-Tasie: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
- David W. Macfarlane: Professor-Tenure System, Department of Forestry
- Jade Breea Mitchell-Davis: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
- David L. Ortega Newman: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics
- Amber Keasey Peters: Associate Professor-Fixed Term, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Phillip J. Seaborn: Specialist - Advisor-Continuing, Office of Academic and Student Affairs
- Kurt Steinke: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
- Wei Zhang: Associate Professor-Tenure System, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
MSU Extension
- Melissa Frances Elischer: Extension Educator-Fixed, MSU Extension
- Imelda Del Pilar Galdamez: Extension Educator-Fixed, MSU Extension
- Michael J. Monfils: Senior Conservation Scientist-Continuing, MSU Extension
- Daniel Mark O'Keefe: Senior Extension Educator – Continuing, MSU Extension
- Jinnifer Paulette Ortquist: Senior Extension Educator – Fixed, MSU Extension
- Jeannine P. Schweihofer: Senior Extension Educator – Continuing, MSU Extension