CACCI at AIM4C on NDC Implementation
CACCI team presented a moderated panel discussion at the AIM4C summit in Washington D.C.
CACCI, a buy-in of the Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Innovation (PRCI), presented a breakout session at the Aim 4 Climate Summit, which took place from May 8 to May 10, 2023. The session focused on "Innovation for Integrating and Mainstreaming Agriculture in the NDCs" and was held on May 10, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM ET. The session was moderated by Emily Weeks, Senior Policy Advisor in the Bureau of Resilience and Food Security at USAID. During the session, representatives from each region shared their experiences and discussed efforts to accelerate agricultural innovation in their respective countries or regions, as well as how they fostered collaboration between sectors and actors to achieve this goal.
Manuel Otero, the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), introduced the session by highlighting the need for greater innovation, transformational approaches, and regional cooperation. The panelists included Laura Suazo from Honduras, Bill Hohenstein from the USDA, and Vatimi Rayalu from Fiji. They addressed the key challenges associated with implementing agricultural-related goals outlined in their NDCs and discussed how their organizations support innovation in terms of organization, technology, and culture, aiming to facilitate more transformative approaches to climate action in the agricultural sector.
After the panel discussion, Dina Esposito from USAID delivered a speech on supporting developing countries in facilitating agri-food system adaptation and increasing mitigation ambition, while overcoming the challenges previously mentioned. Following that, Josefa Sacko, H.E. Ambassador from the African Union Commission, spoke about the possibilities for collaborative efforts to achieve impact in Africa.