Bailey Community Council Minutes (Jan. 2025)
Minutes from the BCC meeting held on January 29, 2025. Led by Student Director, Sydney Sharon
January 2025 – Bailey Community Council
Date: 1/29/2025 @6:00pm
Lunar New Year
- Name, BSP Section, Major, How did your name become your name?
GroupMe reminders
- Please add Sydney to your class GroupMe!
Class Updates/Funding requests
- Note: Use the Google Form to submit funding requests 24 hrs before BCC
- Submit by Tuesday, 2/25 for next BCC
- ANR 210 (Mike & Luke) -> NOT PRESENT AT MEETING
- Current funds: $200
- Previous withdrawals
- Requests?
- Current happenings?
- Current funds: $200
- ANR 310 (Section 2, Dustin, Lauren)
- Current funds: $200
- Previous withdrawals
- None.
- Requests?
- None.
- Previous withdrawals
- Current happenings?
- Finalized facilitations
- Working on grade percentages within syllabus (i.e. who is responsible for what?)
- Current funds: $200
- ANR 310 (Section 1, Marcie & Graham) -> NOT PRESENT AT MEETING
- Current funds: $200
- Previous withdrawals
- Requests?
- Current happenings?
- Current funds: $200
- ANR 410 (Section 1, Brooke & Sarah)
- Current funds: $200
- Previous withdrawals
- None.
- Requests?
- None.
- Previous withdrawals
- Current happenings?
- Finalized attendance
- Figuring out what project they want to do
- Figuring out grade percentages
- Current funds: $200
- Use the BSP Website as a resource
- Formal is confirmed!
- $5 bailey students, $10 non-bailey
- Riley knows a DJ
- Make corsage before the formal
- Themes?
- Moon & stars (90s bathrooms)
- Learning to love
- Under the sea
- Into the woods
- No one is coming to save us?
- How should we address the absent classes?
- Extra service hour to make up for missing BCC
- Short reflection to be uploaded to e-portfolio detailing the importance of community & democratic decision making
- T-shirt contest
- February events
- Monday, February 3rd (5:00)
- Learning event (Anti-racism) - Dr. Buchanan
- Monday, February 10th (7:00pm)
- Speed dating (Engagement event)
- Tuesday, February 18th (12:00 - 2:00)
- Community lunch (baked potato bar)
- Wednesday, February 26th (6:00)
- Monday, February 3rd (5:00)
- $5 bailey students, $10 non-bailey