Are frozen and canned fruits and vegetables healthy?

Canned fruits and vegetables are healthy and cost effective.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Both have vitamins and minerals that help keep you feeling your best, and may reduce the risk of some diseases. Fresh produce is a popular choice due to the variety, seasonality, and visual appeal. However, you can also find them at the store frozen or canned, which keeps them fresh for far longer due to using methods to preserve them. With so many choices, some people wonder: are fresh, frozen, or canned fruits and vegetables best to eat?

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh produce is often an economical choice, especially when in season. Since Michigan has four seasons, the peak growing times for fresh fruits and vegetables can range from springtime into late fall. This means that all produce cannot be grown in our state. Often, items such as bananas and oranges travel from other states (or even countries), which affects their freshness and nutritional content. Buying fresh fruits and vegetables provides options to choose by quality or preferences and optimal taste.

Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables

Grocery stores offer frozen and canned produce, giving the option to purchase all year long. This may help you to follow the recommendation to make half of your plate fruits and vegetables. Canned or frozen products are convenient, with a long shelf life and no need to wash them, and the price is often less expensive than the fresh items that are out of season. Some varieties are already cut and prepped to quickly serve. When buying fruits and vegetables that are canned or frozen, consider these tips:

  • When possible, choose plain produce and add your own seasoning or sauce.
  • Buy fruit only in its own juice or water instead of with syrup or added sugars.
  • Purchase vegetables that are reduced-sodium or sodium free for heart-healthy benefits.
  • Use between 3-5 days after opening for canned produce.
  • Frozen produce lasts at peak quality for 8-12 months. Be sure to put extras back in the freezer.

So, which type of fruits and vegetables are best?

The short answer is that all three are smart choices. They provide similar nutrients and quality along with some unique advantages. While you might choose a different option depending on the season, your preferences, or sales, eating any kind of fruit or vegetable is a healthy choice. You can even make fresh produce last longer by canning or freezing it yourself. MSU Extension offers resources and classes to help safely preserve your food. For more health and nutrition tips, visit MSU Extension's Food and Health page.

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