PBS Interviews Professor Scott Swinton on Becoming a University Distinguished Professor

PBS's WKAR television station recently interviewed AFRE faculty member Scott Swinton about being named a 2019 University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University.

A photo of AFRE Professor Scott Swinton being given a plaque by MSU President Stanley that recognizes Scott Swinton for being named an MSU University Distinguished Professor.

On November 21, 2019 Professor Scott Swinton of Michigan State University’s Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics was honored at a reception for newly named University Distinguished Professors.  At the reception, Professor Swinton was formally recognized for this prestigious honor by Michigan State University President Samuel L. Stanley and Interim Provost Teresa Sullivan.  Professor Swinton was nominated for this award for his scholarship, teaching, and commitment to public service.  To coincide with the timing of the reception, WKAR produced a television segment recognizing this year's ten newly named University Distinguished Professors.  A segment of the broadcast featuring Professor Swinton can be viewed below.  You can read more about Professor Swinton being named a University Distinguished Professor here.


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