Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics (AFRE) faculty, graduate students, and staff will be at meetings, presenting their research, and receiving honors at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association annual conference in Washington D.C. from August 5-7, 2018.
Find below the schedule for presentations, meetings, and ceremonies including members of AFRE.
Scott Swinton will chair the AAEA Business Meeting at 8AM in Salon 2.
Trey Malone will speak on "Beer Labeling Policy" at the Beer: History, Policy, & Regulations track session at 10AM in Maryland Suite B.
Stephen Morgan, Nicole Mason, Bob Myers, and Rob Shupp will speak on "Agricultural Innovation and Sustainable Technology Adoption: Strategic Delay Reconsidered," at the Lab-in-the-Field Experiments Identify Approaches to Motivate Producer and Consumer Decisions that Generate Private Benefits and Environmental Public Goods track session at 10AM in the Harding Room.
Maria Porter will present "Heterogeneous Effects of Adopting Labor-Intensive Fertilizer Application Practices: A Randomized Control Trial in Burkina Faso," at the Technology and Productivity presentation session at 10AM in the Park Tower 8216.
Jongwoo Kim will present "Does Sustainable Intensification of Maize Production Enhance Child Nutrition? Evidence from Rural Tanzania," at the Child Nutrition in Developing Countries presentation session at 10AM in Washington 1.
David DeYoung will present "Profitable but Vulnerable: Assessment of the Nicaraguan Bean Seed Enterprises Using Duration Analysis," at the Risk and Insurance presentation session at 10AM in Washington 4.
Soren Anderson will lead the State and Regional Climate Regulation symposium at 10AM in Virginia Suite A.
Soren Anderson will be on the Applied Economics for Practical Policymaking symposium at 1PM in Wilson C.
Micheal Olabisi will speak on "Export Survival in Africa and Latin America: Diversification, Synergies and Competition," at the Competitiveness of Low-Income Agricultural Exporting Countries track session at 1PM in Virginia Suite C.
Cloe Garnache will speak on "Effect of Non-Monetary Incentives on Phosphorus Use and Conservation Program Participation: A Randomized Controlled Trial," at the Design of Agri-Environmental Programs: Insights from Behavioral & Experimental Economics track session at 1PM in Maryland Suite B.
Vincenzina Caputo will speak on "What Do Non-Parametric Distributions of Random Coefficients Tell us About the Structure of Consumer Preferences?" at the On the Role of Advancements in Experimental and Behavioral Economics Methods track session at 1PM in the Harding Room.
Angelos Lagoudakis, Rob Shupp, and Vincenzina Caputo will speak on "Experimental Auctions vs Real Choice Experiment: An Empirical Application on Consumer Valuation for Food Quality Attributes," at the On the Role of Advancements in Experimental and Behavioral Economics Methods track session at 1PM in the Harding Room.
Mukesh Ray will present, "Legume Technologies as a Sustainable Solution to Climatic Shocks: Evidence from Malawi," at the Adoption of Agricultural Technology to Increase Sustainability or Decrease Incidence of Disease presentation session at 1PM in Park Tower 8216.
Jarrad Farris, Songqing Jin, Mywish Maredia, and Maria Porter will present "Assessing Heterogeneity in the Child Growth Impacts of In-Utero Rainfall Shocks in Rural Rwanda," at the Health, Nutrition, and Education in Rural Context presentation session at 1PM in Park Tower 8228.
Chris Peterson will speak on, "How Cooperatives Create Value and what that Means for Measuring their Economic Impact," at the How Cooperatives Create Value and Differential Economic Impact track session at 2:45PM in Washington 5.
Mark Skidmore will speak on, "The Rural Public Health Crisis: Can the Land Grants do More?" at the Land Grant Universities and Rural Development: Are We Using All the Tools in Our Toolboxes? track session at 2:45PM in Roosevelt 1.
Eric Scorsone will speak on "The Role of 'Institutional Alertness' in Extension and Outreach," at the “Institutional Alertness” in Research, Teaching and Extension track session at 2:45PM in the Hoover Room.
Sarah Kopper will present, "Agricultural Labor Markets and Fertilizer Demand: Intensification is Not a Single Factor Problem for Non-Separable Households," at the Agricultural Households and Imperfect Labor Markets presentation session at 2:45PM in Washington 2.
Thomas Jayne will be recognized as a Fellow of the AAEA at the ceremony at 6PM in Salon 2.
Titus Awokuse is the organizer for the Growing Gulf between Grad and Undergrad Programs in Agricultural Economics panel track session at 10AM in the Hoover Room.
Qi Tian will present, "Regret Minimization in Decision Making: Implications for Choice Modeling and Policy Design," at the Environmental and Nonmarket Valuation - Methods I presentation session at 10AM in Roosevelt 2.
Trey Malone will speak on "The Economic Impacts of Local Food Policies: The Case of Farm Brewery Legislation," at the Consumers and Beer track session at 1PM in Virginia Suite C.
Trey Malone and Lindon Robison will speak on "Decommodifying Cider: Testing the Moderating Effects of Social Relationships on the Endowment Effect," at the Experimental Auctions and Other Experimental Stimuli in Agri-Environmental Research: Methods and Policy Implications track session at 1PM in Balcony B.
David Hennessy will present, "Managing Derived Demand for Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture," at the Production Economics - Agricultural Disease Management at the Micro and Macro Scale presentation session at 1PM in Washington 3.
Braeden Van Deynze and Scott Swinton will present, "Are Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds a Threat to Conservation Agriculture? Evidence from Tillage Practices in Soybean," at the Production Economics - Agricultural Disease Management at the Micro and Macro Scale presentation session at 1PM in Washington 3.
Jina Yu will present, "The Impact of Climate Change on Aflatoxin Contamination in U.S. Corn," at the Food Safety in the Context of Trade, Policy, and Climate Change presentation session at 1PM in the Hoover Room.
Stephen Morgan will moderate and present, "Farmer Valuation of Improved Bean Seed Technologies: Real Auction Evidence from Tanzania," at the Inputs presentation session at 1PM in Park Tower 8222.
David Ortega and Wen Lin will present, "A Bayesian Approach to Modelling the Effects of Information on Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology in Animal Products," at the Economics of Genetically Modified Organisms presentation session 4:45PM in Roosevelt 3.
Asa Watten will present, "Insurance and American Options in Intra-season Cropping Choices with Applications," at the Assessing Crop Insurance Products Based on Different Aggregations of Risk presentation session at 4:45PM in Washington Room 6.
Trey Malone will speak on "What Characteristics Create a Trusted Agribusiness Advisor?" at the The Role of Trust in the Food and Agribusiness Value Chain track session at 4:45PM in Wilson B.
Andrew Dillon will present, "Robustness and External Validity: What do we Learn from Repeated Study Designs Over Time?" at the Methodological Frontiers presentation session at 4:45PM in Virginia C.
Eric Scorsone will speak on, "Engaging with the Laboratories of Democracy: The Role of Extension Economists," at the Agricultural Economists Engaging our Communities track session at 4:45PM in the Hoover Room.
Melissa McKendree is an organizer and panelist on he Agricultural Economists Engaging our Communities track session at 4:45PM in the Hoover Room.
Danielle Kaminski and Vincenzina Caputo will present, "Milk Produced Under Certified Labor Conditions: Are U.S. Consumers Willing to Pay for It and Does Prior Information Impact Their Behavior?" at the Advances in Discrete Choice Experiments presentation session at 4:45PM in Virginia A.
Vincenzina Caputo and Nicole Mason are organizers and David Ortega is a discussant at the Recent Developments in Using Choice Experiments to Elicit Producer and Consumer Preferences in Africa track session at 4:45PM in Roosevelt 2.
Sarah Chase-Walsh and Vincenzina Caputo will present, "Discrete Choice Experiment Revelation of Preferences for Imported Rice Versus Traditional Domestic Millet Dishes Sold by Retailers/Street Vendors in Dakar Senegal," at the Recent Developments in Using Choice Experiments to Elicit Producer and Consumer Preferences in Africa track session at 4:45PM in Roosevelt 2.
Stephen Morgan, Samantha Padilla, and Braeden Van Deynze will compete in the Graduate Student Case Study Competition.
MSUAFRE and FSP will have a booth at the conference near the registration table.
Many faculty members and graduate students are presenting posters throughout the conference. See the conference program for more details.