3rd Annual Agricultural Policy Conference, March 1–3, Dar es Salaam
The Role of Agri-food Systems in Promoting Industrialization in Tanzania Enhancing Linkage of Upstream and Downstream Value Chain Activities in the Context of Agriculture Transformation
By Tanzania Policy Analysis Group
Tanzania 3rd Annual Agricultural Policy Conference - March 1–3, 2017
The 3rd Annual Agricultural Policy Conference, “The Role of Agri-food Systems in Promoting Industrialization in Tanzania,” was jointly organized by Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, the Policy Analysis Group and partners.
March 1, 12:00–20:00
- 12:00-14:00: Registration and lunch
- 14:00-18: Opening Session: Agro Processing Strategy
- Progress in Agriculture Policy Reforms,Neema Lugangira, SAGCOT
- Draft Agro-processing Strategy for the Government of Tanzania, Dalberg
- Enabling the Business of Agriculture, 2017 World Bank Report (http://eba.worldbank.org/), Farbod Youssefi, World Bank
- 18:00-20:00: Reception
Video: Movers and Shakers: Youth and Women in Agriculture (Tanzania)
March 2, 8:30–17:30
- Agriculture sector policy
- Challenges for Africa in an Age of Global Employment Deindustrialization: Implications for Tanzania, David Tschirley, Michigan State University (MSU)
- Megatrends Transforming Tanzania’s Agri-food Systems: Towards Inclusive Economic Transformation? Thomas Jayne, Michigan State University (MSU)
- Prospects for Sectoral Transformation of the Rural Economy in Tanzania: An Initial Review of the Evidence, Todd Benson, IFPRI
- Agriculture Transformation and Nutrition in Tanzania: Implications to Food Processing and Fortification, Joyceline Kaganda, Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre
- Priority Areas to Focus Towards Ending Hunger in Tanzania: Status and Strategic Directions, Patrick Tuni Kihenzile, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
- Agriculture markets and trade
- Strategic Options for Edible Oil Industry Development in Tanzania: Case of Sunflower Sub-sector, Michael Kairumba, Agriculture Market Development Trust (AMDT)
- Tanzania Livestock Analysis, Steve Michael, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
- The Role of Policy in Enhancing Structured Trading System: Case of GSOKO, Francis Osiemo, Food Trade East and Southern Africa Program
- Regional Perspective on Agriculture Markets and Trade, Gerald Masila, Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC)
- Strengthening Agriculture Systems for Promoting Industrialization in Tanzania, Joseph Nyamboha, Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF)
- Enabling policy for private sector investment
- Opportunities for Livestock Agri-food Systems in Promoting Rural Commercialization in Tanzania, Amos Omore, ILRI
- Innovative Policy and Strategies Transformation of Leather and Leather Goods Production in Tanzania, Gabriel Mbassa, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
- Employment Intensity and Scale of Operation in Agro-processing: A Case of Cereal Millers in Tanzania, Jason Snyder, Michigan State University (MSU)
- Effects of Milk Imports on Competitiveness of Domestically Processed Milk in Tanzania, Solomon Baregu, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
- Developing a Strategic Long-run Outlook for Grain Markets in Tanzania, Zena Mpenda, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
March 3, 8:30–17:30
- Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise Program (ENGINE), Andrew E. Temu, ENGINE
- AAPC 2017, Re-Cap Day 1 and 2, Andrew E. Temu, ENGINE
- Land tenure policy
- The Farm Size-Productivity Relationship Revisited, Milu Muyanga, Michigan State University (MSU)
- Land Access and Rural Youth Migration in Tanzania, Ntengua Mdoe, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
- National Land Policy on Agriculture Development, Devota Salukele, National Land Use Planning Commission
- Access to finance and technology
- Access to Financial Services in Tanzania: The Case of Agribusiness, Mwombeki Baregu, Agriculture and Rural Finance (FSDT)
- Local Government Fiscal Reforms in Tanzania: Piloting of an E-Payment Platform, David Nyange, Michigan State University (MSU)
- Access to Quality Extension Services, Neema Rwebangira, ANSAF
- Towards Intensive Commercial Fish Farming in Tanzania: Cage Culture and Recirculating Aquaculture System,Hassan Abdallah, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
- Agricultural input policy
- Improving Efficiency of the Fertilizer Supply Chain: A Comparative Analysis, Balu Bumb FAO MAFAP
- Seed Policy Reforms in Tanzania, Liston Njoroge, AGRA
- Fertilizer Subsidies and the Role of Targeting in Conditioning Crowding in/out: The Case of Tanzania, Isaac Minde, iAGRI
- Impact of Farm Mechanization and Production at the Farm Level: Case of Interventions Implemented under ASDP1,Joseph Karugia, ReSAKSS
- Impact of Dip Construction and Rehabilitation and Acaricide Subsidy on Tick Borne Diseases in Tanzania, Gabriel Mbassa, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
- Emerging issues from the 3rd AAPC and closing remarks
- Land tenure policy
The three-day conference brought together over 150 stakeholders from the agricultural sector.
These included representatives from:
- Agriculture line ministries –Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries; Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment;
PO- Regional Administration and Local Government; - Regulatory authorities in agriculture – Agricultural Boards, TASTA, TBS, TFDA, etc.
- Members of the Parliamentary Committees in Agriculture
- Farmers and agribusiness associations (Agricultural Council of Tanzania, Tanzania Horticulture Association, MVIWATA, Sugar Growers Associations, etc)
- Development Partners
- NGOs engaged in agriculture development (NAFAKA, TechnoServe, etc)
- Research and Training Institutions (Sokoine University of Agriculture, COSTECH, etc)
- Private sector (financial institutions, seed companies, millers, processors,
exporters/importers, commercial farms, etc)
Organizing Partners: Policy Analysis Group (PAG)
The conference was organized by the Policy Analysis Group (PAG) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries.
PAG is an informal and voluntary group with members working on agricultural policy projects and initiatives, academia and local and international policy think tanks. The group has more than 15 members, and was established in 2013 to provide a platform for sharing information on policy research and activities so as to enhance coordination, collaboration and synergy. PAG also aims at ensuring consistency in policy messaging. Policy Analysis Group (PAG) members include:
- Platform for Agricultural Policy Analysis and Coordination- PAPAC, representing the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries
- Agricultural Sector Policy and Institutional Reform Strengthening (Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Tanzania - ASPIRES)
- Agriculture Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF)
- Africa Lead (USAID funded)
- Michigan State University
- Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
- Regional Strategic Alliance and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS)
- Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT)
- Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agriculture Policies (FAO-MAFAP)
- Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)
- Research for Poverty Alleviation (REPOA)
- Agriculture Market Development Trust (AMDT)
- Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT)
- East Africa Grain Council (EAGC)