2022 Chopped Food Challenge Camp: Day 3

S'mores, Fish, and lots more food!

Chopped Food Camp: Day 3



Quack quack! Time to see the amazing tollgate farm Ducks that quack to us all day long. The campers always laugh when the ducks waddle around their area, quacking. Since the floor of the area was a bit dirty the campers were able to view from the outside of the enclosure, seeing their Educational Leader collect the eggs and pick up a duck for the campers to look more closely at their feather and webbed feet. We also talked about duck eggs compared to chicken eggs that the majority of people eat.


We did the practice yesterday, so it's fishing time! The campers took a nice walk to our Tollgate Farm Pond, where we went over important safety rules, since now we are actually fishing, hooks on and all. After the rules, we went out on to the fishing dock, got some bait on the hooks, and then started fishing! Part of the way, kept getting visits from a snapping turtle that loves to swim in the pond and take our bait!  

IMG_6337Solar Ovens & S'mores

What a beautiful, bright, sunny day to make a delicious afternoon snack. We use a carboard box, black paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and tape to keep our s'mores in the box, using the foil to reflect sunlight into the box, with black paper on the bottom and plastic wrap to keep the heat inside, which melts the chocolate and softens the marshmallow. By the afternoon they had all melted down, and we polished off our plates!


Bananas & TartsIMG_6340

In today's garden kitchen we had some amazing recipes that you wouldn't think of, such as our banana sushi, which was quite literally bananas covered in sun butter, and then rolled on oats, chia seeds, and chocolate chips. It was polished off immediately, so fast that if you blinked you would miss it! Since it was so fast, we used the extra time to prepare for the afternoon snack which was our Spinach Tart, topped with cheese!

IMG_6290Pollinator Game

This was a different pollinator game compared to the one you're familiar with! The one you probably know is where we put Sticky strips around the campers' ankles and then they have to try and stick as many fuzzy ping pong balls to the strip as possible. This one was a bit different, focusing more on making coffee-filter butterflies, and using the game to teach the campers how a butterfly helps to pollinate alongside the bees. Each camper had a beautiful butterfly to take home with them by the end!

IMG_6335Harvest for CSA

Today is the exact middle of the week, which means it is the Community Service Agriculture (CSA) group, who sells their harvest throughout the evening every Wednesday, all the CSA members can buy fresh products: Vegetables, Beans, Honey, and even soaps! The campers helped out by harvesting more beans and carrots for the CSA to sell. We even got some really nice cherry tomatoes and bell peppers that were in multiple colors.

Check out more Chopped Camp photos here!

2022 Chopped Food Challenge Camp Week


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