2022 Chopped Food Challenge Camp: Day 2

Salsa, Carrots, and Casting Away!

Chopped Food Challenge: Day 2



As part of our chores, some of our campers went to pay a visit to our Tollgate farm chickens. Our main reason why we keep chickens is to collect the eggs that they lay. We collect the eggs from the coup, rinse them off with water, and immediately stick them all in the fridge to cool down. An interesting fact is that hens lay eggs almost every singe day of the week, so there are always eggs for another camp group to collect!

Carrots and PicturesIMG_6204

What do carrots have anything to do with pictures? Nothing, in fact the campers did a really awesome activity with out lovely Education Garden Volunteers who made an activity based off of finding plants in the farm, and putting in on photosensitive paper to capture a negative image of all the plants that the campers found. And the only too that you needed, was sunlight! Afterward, the campers got to put on some gardening gloves to pick up carrots, edamame, and green beans!

IMG_6210Compost Bucket

This was another fun activity to do involving painting a bucket, that we will use for composting later on. Each group of campers had a specific section of the bucket marked out for them to paint, so by the end we will have one giant bucket to represent all the groups on the farm! The more compost we can use to help our plants grow, the more we are able to reduce our food waste.

Salsa & SushiIMG_6252

For the morning we had such a refreshing meal, made up of pineapples, strawberries, and peaches, mixed with honey. How is this salsa? A fruit salsa! The strawberries and peach were sweet, the pineapple sour, and the tortilla chips, salty! The perfect balance to have all your taste buds activated, while also very refreshing. In the afternoon we made a vegetable sushi with seaweed, sticky rice, avocados, and red bell peppers. 


IMG_6276Casting Practice

You know what his means! If we are practicing how to cast fishing lines today, that means we are going fishing tomorrow! First all the campers gather in the field and listened to instructions on how to cast a fishing line safely. Even though we know that some campers have been here before, it is still good to go over safety rules! Afterward, all the campers had a great time casting their fishing lines, and they can't wait to fish tomorrow!


This activity was centered around learning about how worms help turn compost into soil with a lot of nitrogen in it, which actually helps plants even more when they are growing. The campers got to take magnifying glasses and use their hands to go through the vermicompost to see the different kinds of worms that are hard at work deconstructing what was left of compost.


This activity has turned into a camp secret challenge! Each group is working on their super special recipe that will be tried by our judges this Friday. I don't want to give any spoilers, so I won't say what meals they are, but I will say that each group has some really good ideas for how their meal will be made! There are a lot of cool ingredients that sound really delicious, and I can't wait to see how the meals will turn out!

Check out more Chopped camp photos here!

2022 Chopped Food Challenge Camp

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