What is the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program®?
The Michigan State University (MSU) Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program is a volunteer-based program designed for individuals interested in horticulture and community service. While Master Gardeners receive horticulture training, the program’s primary focus is on educating and equipping volunteers to share research-based gardening knowledge within their communities.
For more details on the program's history and mission, visit: Our Mission
What is the training required to apply for the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program?
The training requisite to apply to become an MSU EMG is called Foundations of Gardening (FOG). This is a ten-week online class. The course work involves reading, online activities, videos and assessments as well as weekly 2.5 hour live webinars led by experts in the field. For additional course information please visit: Foundations of Gardening
Note: Foundations of Gardening is also open to people who do not wish to apply to become an MSU EMG.
How do I Become an MSU Extension Master Gardener?
To become a certified MSU Extension Master Gardener (EMG), follow these steps:
- Complete Foundations of Gardening (FOG)
- This 10-week online course includes
- reading, videos, activities and assessments
- Weekly 2.5-hour live webinars with experts
- More details: Foundations of Gardening
- This 10-week online course includes
- Apply to become an MSU EMG Volunteer Status
- This should be done only after completing FOG.
- This involves a Volunteer Screening Process (VSP) and acceptance as a volunteer.
- Instructions for applying are provided within FOG.
- For questions, contact: MSUE.MG@msu.edu
- Complete the MSU EMG Onboarding Course.
- Attend an in-person Onboarding Course (1-2 days, depending on location).
- Introduces program policies, procedures, and volunteer opportunities.
- Availability varies by location.
- For questions, contact your local educator: (Our Team)
- Complete Volunteer Hours
- 40 hours of approved volunteer service must be completed by November 30 of the year following onboarding.
- Volunteer work must:
- Be completed within Michigan.
- Be part of an approved MSU EMG project.
What is MSU EMG Onboarding?
Onboarding is a brief training course that takes place after successfully completing Foundations of Gardening and receiving approval to apply as an Extension Master Gardener (EMG). These free onboarding classes include in-person components and last one to two days, depending on location. Prospective EMGs should attend onboarding at the site where they plan to volunteer.
The goal of onboarding is to familiarize participants with MSU EMG policies and procedures while connecting them with MSU Extension support staff, fellow volunteers, and approved project opportunities.
How do I find a project?
MSU EMGs complete volunteer hours by participating on approved projects. Statewide there are approximately 600 opportunities. Counties vary on the number of projects. More information can be found in the MSU EMG Volunteer Toolbox: Volunteer Projects, or by contacting your local educator at Our Team.
What does it mean to be a "certified" MSU EMG?
The initial requirements to become an MSU EMG are to complete 40 hours of volunteer work on approved projects by November 30th of the year after completion of onboarding. After this is done, your status changes from Trainee to Basic. The MSU EMG program is a certified program with annual requirements that must be met to maintain status as an MSU EMG.
What happens after I become certified as an MSU EMG?
After completing 40 hours of volunteer work, your status changes from Trainee to Certified Basic EMG.
To maintain your certification, each year you must:
- Complete 20 hours of volunteer work on approved projects
- Complete 10 hours of continuing education
- Submit an annual recertification fee and sign the MSU EMG Code of Conduct
Annual recertification takes place each January through an online process
Do I need to complete any other education to earn my initial certification?
No, you do not need additional education hours beyond the successful completion of Foundations of Gardening and Volunteer Onboarding to become certified as an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer. You can report additional education hours if you decide to participate in approved MSU EMG learning opportunities.
After that first year, how many annual hours of education do I need to complete to maintain my EMG certification?
You need to complete at least 10 hours of approved education programming and enter the hours into Volunteer Central by November 30. Check with local MSU EMG staff for details about approved education opportunities.
How do I become an Advanced EMG volunteer?
To achieve this status, you must complete a total of 90 volunteer hours and 25 education hours. These hours are cumulative and carry over from year to year.
Advanced certification is a recognition of outstanding service and commitment to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program. However, it does not replace the annual recertification requirements of 20 volunteer hours and 10 education hours.
What is the difference between the MSU EMG program and other gardening-based organizations?
Many garden-based organizations bring people together to learn about gardening, share experiences, connect with other gardeners, and work on personal or community projects. However, the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program stands out because:
- It offers initial and ongoing in-depth horticulture education through MSU.
- All participants are volunteers who recertify annually.
- Volunteers collaborate closely with MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educators and staff to share research-based gardening knowledge from MSU and other university sources.
- It partners exclusively with nonprofit community organizations.
Is the MSU EMG Program right for me?
This program is a great fit if you have a passion for:
- Science-based gardening practices
- Helping others learn best practices based on science
- Spending time with other volunteers
- Helping individuals and communities create more sustainable landscapes
- Working with partners to improve communities
- Working with MSU educators and researchers
Note: You must be 18-years or older to participate.
What do MSU EMGs do?
There are many opportunities for those who become involved in the program.
- Distributing educational resources at farmers markets, fairs and events
- Helping to design and maintain gardens that meet the MSU EMG Mission and educate the public
- Joining community garden efforts to grow and donate food to those in need
- Working as diagnostic responders on the MSU Extension Lawn and Garden Hotline and Ask Extension services
- Working with our MSU Extension 4H staff to support youth in gardening
- Cooperating with partners with a similar mission, such as invasive species and native plants
- Working with our Consumer Horticulture Team to create public educational programs, conferences and events to disseminate science-based gardening information
What do MSU EMGs not do?
Some individuals interested in the MSU Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program seek the education and title to support or promote their own for-profit ventures. However, the MSU EMG Program is a volunteer-driven initiative dedicated to serving nonprofit organizations and communities. Therefore, the EMG title cannot be used for personal business purposes outside the program.
For those looking to enhance their gardening knowledge for independent ventures, the MSUE Foundations of Gardening Course is a great option. Participants who complete this course receive a certificate, which they can use to support their professional or personal gardening endeavors.
How do I get more information about the MSU EMG Program?
This website is a great first step to learning more about our volunteer program – check out all the different links provided here.
If you are only interested in the training and not applying to the volunteer portion, go to the Foundations of Gardening website, or email us at MSUE.FOG@msu.edu.
For questions about local MSU EMG Programs, contact your local MSU EMG Educator at Our Team.