Horse Program Committee

Macomb County 4-H Horse Program Committee

The Macomb County Horse Program Committee is made up of members, leaders and parents who are involved in the horse program. There is a youth and adult executive board, with youth taking the lead at meetings and for activities. All are welcome to attend meetings.

2024-2025 Committee Officers

Adult President: Michelle Short

Adult Vice President: Trish Zuber

Adult Secretary: Crystal Pollock

Adult Point Secretary: Liz Moreno

Adult Treasurer: Kathy DeFour

Youth President: Gavin J.

Youth Vice President: Adison P.

Youth Secretary: Olivia E.

Youth Treasurer: Lily Z.

Committee Meeting Dates and Minutes

Meetings are held at Wolcott Mill Camp Rotary on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

  • September 23, 2024
  • October 28, 2024
  • January 27, 2025
  • March 24, 2025
  • April 28, 2025

Guidelines and Resources


Macomb County 4-H Horse Program Fundraiser

MSUE Equine Education Spring Program

Various locations around the state ~ April each year.  Please check with the office or through the website for dates.
Get ready for spring with this three presentation series on equine management and care!

State 4-H Horse Show: Members have an opportunity to participate in the state show in the light horse program by earning points during the county point shows. Please check back at a later date for information regarding this year's State 4-H Horse Show. 

County Point Shows: The Macomb County 4-H Horse Program Committee hosts three point shows for saddle or light horses, one a double judge show in the spring, and three mini/draft shows.  All shows are held at Camp Rotary, part of Wolcott Mill Metro Park, located on 29 Mile Road, east of Romeo Plank

2025 Macomb County 4-H Horse Show Dates:

  • May 24 - Lights
  • May 31 - Mini/Draft
  • June 7 - Lights
  • June 14 - Mini/Draft
  • June 21 - Lights (double judge)
  • July 28 - Mini/Draft

Macomb County 4-H Horse Show Forms and Patterns 2024

Light Horse

Mini/Draft Horse

Horse Award Forms

All county horse awards are due August 31. 

Bill Collins Award Forms: The Bill Collins Outstanding Horsemanship Award is given to a 4-H horse project member. It is awarded yearly and is based on the nominee’s overall involvement in 4-H and the 4-H Horse Program. A 4-H member to be considered for this award should be nominated by a 4-H leader. A summary of the nominee’s activities should include both the degree of involvement in and results of participation as a member of 4-H and the 4-H Horse Program.

Jane Sylvester Award Forms: Each Club registered in the Macomb County Horse & Pony Project may nominate up to 3 individuals for this award. Nominees may be any 4-H member or adult volunteer in the Macomb County 4-H Horse Project. Of the 3 individuals, only one may be a member of the club making the nomination. A single page letter of support (form attached) must accompany each nomination.  

Knapp Memorial 4-H Horse Leadership Award: An annual award to recognize an adult offering outstanding leadership to young people within the Michigan Horse Program. This top leader introduces newcomers to 4-H and the horse industry, mentors young horsemen, and promotes 4-H and the horse industry within the local community.  Nominations are due to the Equine specialist by July 1.

Vincent B Cesaro Memorial AwardMore information to come

Hall of Fame Versatility AwardMore information to come

Showmanship Award: This award is being donated by LaFountain Tree Specialists in honor of the
exhibitor who has demonstrated excellence in the showmanship ring. It is calculated based on an accumulation of placings in Western Sportsmanship. In the case of a tie, there will be a show down between those exhibitors

Equitation Rider Challenge TrophyThis Award is being donated by Annette & Wayne Reeves
in recognition of the rider that has competed in Saddle Seat equitation, Hunt Seat equitation and Western Horsemanship earning the most points out of every rider. The definition of Equitation and Horsemanship is simply so, the art or practice of horse riding. More specifically it refers to the rider's position while mounted, and a rider's ability to ride correctly with minimal and effective aids. This award will be given yearly in honor of these riders that show hard work and dedication to this sport we all so greatly love and to show what can be done with practice and patience when trying to compete in every division, also while showing how versatile each horse and rider can truly become.

Riders must compete in the following classes based on their age:

  • Saddleseat Equitation 8-19
  • Hunt Seat Equitation 16-19
  • Hunt Seat Equitation 13-15
  • Hunt Seat Equitation 8-12
  • Western Horsemanship 16-19
  • Western Horsemanship 13-15
  • Western Horsemanship 8-12