Professional Landscape Positions Across the U.S.

Hiring Organization: Mariani Premier Group
Employment type: Full-Time
Job Location: Wilton, CT
Application Due Date: December 30, 2024

Mariani Premier Group is one of the largest and most respected landscape organizations in the country, and currently consists of 20 (and growing!) businesses!  We are building the premier landscaping company in the country by creating a “family of family companies” across the nation.  Collectively, our companies have designed and built some of the most aspirational landscapes and outdoor living spaces across the United States. Our companies’ work spans all types of landscape architecture, construction and maintenance, including pools, outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, hardscapes, lighting and a range of other outdoor features. We work for residential, commercial, government and institutional clients.  Please visit our website at to see where we are located, the types of properties we have designed and worked on, and some of the awards we have won!


One of the benefits of a nationwide network is the opportunity for career development.  A student could complete an internship in a different state each year or after graduation have the opportunity to move from one business to another, and still stay with the same company.  As we expand into more states, our career opportunities will continue to grow!


Our job postings across all our businesses are available at are continuously updated, so if a student is looking for a particular type of position they will see all those opportunities across the country.


Lori Mott

Senior Talent Acquisition Partner

Glengate/Hoffman Landscapes - Connecticut
