Our Approach to International Extension and Outreach

As a part of the internationalization of MSU Extension, collaborative programs were initiated in 2017 through a visit to the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) in Hyderabad, India. This relationship has provided opportunities for MSU Extension to develop a long-term partnership for exchange of information and experiences related to market-driven agriculture and global food systems. Focusing on a worldwide view of agriculture while providing market opportunities for Michigan and India, this partnership strives to enhance both organizations’ capacities to better serve the needs of market-oriented food and agricultural systems. Also providing experiences in cross-cultural growth and collaboration.
Since 2017, MSU Extension and MANAGE partnership has implemented several collaborative programs which have included three joint international conferences and workshops in 2018, 2019 and 2020 at the MANAGE headquarters. More than 300 stakeholders have participated and benefitted from these joint programs. The international conferences and workshops have resulted in an excellent network of extension specialists. Through the MSU-MANAGE Network, a new book titled “Innovations in Agricultural Extension” has been published and is widely disseminated.
Building on these experiences and CANR’s global network, MSU-Extension hosted a group of extension leaders from Nigeria for a two-week period sponsored by the USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service Cochran Fellowship Program. Additionally, in summer 2020, MSU Extension launched an international short course in Agricultural Extension for the global agricultural community to share MSU Extension experiences towards strengthening capacities in developing countries. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this program was offered virtually with participants from nine countries attending. MSU Extension is currently exploring opportunities for expanding its linkages and collaborative programs in Southeast Asia and Central Asia.