Passing the Torch: Farm Transition Planning in Northern Michigan

February 13, 2025 10:00AM - 3:30PM 10:00 am to 3:30 pm; lunch included. Registration details coming soon.

Registration Deadline: January 30, 2025 - 05:00PM

Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy offices, 2846 N. Three Mile Rd, Traverse City, MI 49686

Contact: Chris Bardenhagen

At this event, we will cover the basics of farm transfer and estate planning. Looking to transfer your farm to your family or an interested new farmer? Come join us as we discuss topics including: Overview of the planning process; introduction to transfer techniques and instruments; linking up land owners with farmers seeking land; and the benefits of using conservation easements as part of a farm transfer. A panel of farmers who have gone through the succession process will discuss their perspectives and lessons learned.

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