• An Introduction to Regenerative Field Crop and Grazing Systems

    Published on July 11, 2024
    The need for more resilient food and farming systems has never been greater, causing more people to consider regenerative agricultural practices to improve productivity, profitability, and environmental outcomes.

  • Cover Crop Interactive Maps

    Published on May 29, 2024
    These maps feature decades of cover crop work by farmers and researchers across Michigan.

  • Cover Crop Service Provider Directory

    Published on May 3, 2024
    The purpose of this document is to highlight some of the businesses that offer cover crop related services to farmers across Michigan.

  • Cover Crop Termination

    Published on April 22, 2024
    Developing a termination strategy for cover crops is an essential part of the planning process to ensure there is no interference with the planting or management of the subsequent cash crop.

  • Soil Microbial Community Dynamics Across Michigan Farms

    Published on February 26, 2024
    Soil health is an important concept that has grown exponentially in the public and private sectors over the past decades.

  • The Anatomy of a Soil Test Report

    Published on March 9, 2023
    A summary of how to understand a soil test report to help you best understand and analyze the results to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions.

  • A Field Guide To Soil Sampling

    Published on October 13, 2022
    Soil sampling is a foundational step to make effective farm management and soil fertility decisions. This step-by-step field guide is a summary of best practices and recommendations for composite soil sampling to help you do just that.

  • Providing Timely and Relevant Information for Field Crop Producers in Challenging Times

    Published on October 11, 2022
    Michigan State University Extension works to improve farm personnel well-being and income, expand agriculture-related businesses and increase employment opportunities, making agriculture one of the strongest industries within Michigan.

  • Field Crops Team Point of Contact

    Published on August 15, 2022
    Point of contact for MSU Extension Field Crops educators across the state.

  • Michigan Soil Health Progress Report

    Published on October 12, 2021
    The Michigan Soil Health Progress Report was developed to assist farmers, agribusiness, and agency professionals to assess the health of the soil using biological and physical indicators in the field.