Online Packaging Basics for Industry Professionals


Enrollment is now open.

This course is on-going and can be started at various times throughout the year. Contact Cimberly Weir to schedule your start date and begin your learning journey with the MSU School of Packaging!

The Michigan State University School of Packaging invites you to learn with us via our online, asynchronous, short course. This course is a self-paced course that mimics our beloved PKG 101 course for all majors at MSU. The course will begin with a kick-off cohort meeting and continue with 1-hour bi-weekly meetings to discuss content, make connections to real applications and discuss any questions students might have.  Each of the six modules has a reflection activity to synthesize the material and work through the content to grow in your new knowledge and apply it to your experiences thus far in your career. Students that have taken this course previously have gained knowledge that allows them to communicate more effectively and confidently with their supplier networks and internal technical teams.  The course is ~3-4 hours worth of reading, recorded videos, supplemental support activities and learning exercises per week. Course participants are expertly guided by an MSU instructor who has industry and teaching experience. 

Cost: $1,995.00 per person 

Course is online using the MSU D2L learning management system

MSU Contact: Cimberly Weir,

