Advanced Packaging Sustainability
Advanced Packaging Sustainability
The course is a self-paced advanced course using the MSU online platform D2L. There will also be one live session (possibly two pending schedules) with Dr. Rabnawaz to answer questions from the attendees scheduled at the end of the course. This live interactive session will be recorded and shared with registered attendees.
Course materials:
The material will include video lectures, lecture notes, and other supplemental materials for deepening knowledge. Attendees will need to watch videos and read notes provided to prepare them for the interactive Q&A session.
Course Professor, Dr. Rabnawaz, recommends the text book "Sustainable Packaging Materials: Winning Solutions" as optional supplemental support for the course. It can be purchased on Amazon via
A certificate of completion will be mailed to each participant.
Key Learning outcomes from this course include:
- Develop the ability to design sustainable packaging guidelines that your company can use for rapid technological development.
- Develop the ability to analyze emerging recycling technologies from the practicality and regulation point of view.
- Understand emerging trends in sustainable packaging and the overall Packaging Industry and leverage these trends to position your company for growth
- Stay on the top of research trends in academic research in the packaging sustainability
Course Modules:
Chapter 1: Drivers and Design Guidelines for Sustainable Packaging – This chapter educates on how to design for the stringent regulations and how to prepare R&D to stay on the top in this cutting-edge competition
Chapter 2: Advances in Plastic Recycling (chemical, molecular, and mechanical recycling)- this chapter discusses the latest and brightest innovations in plastic recycling.
Chapter 3: Emerging Trends in Sustainable Packaging – This chapter discusses the hottest technologies that are on the horizon.
Chapter 4: Trends in Packaging Industry – This chapter describes overall packaging industry trends, where growth and decline in the packaging sector is forecasted, and how to prepare your business maximum growth.
Chapter 5: Trends in Academia-Research in Sustainability – This chapter offers insights into the funded research from the US government, and foundations, in the field of packaging sustainability, what to expect from this research, and how this can be relevant for your company.
Who should attend this course:
- Scientists and technicians
- Executives, Directors, and Managers
Workshop format:
Asynchronous (self-directed), online learning with live interactive session(s) via Zoom (Virtual) with the professor.
Course Requirements:
- Have a prior fundamental understanding of packaging sustainability and recycling science (or)
- Have attended MSU Packaging Materials Sustainability and Recycling: Fundamental Course
Open each spring and fall semester.
Fee structure:
- Cost is $1000 per student
- $1600 for 2 students (from the same company)