Invited Communications

  • “Sustainable Food Packaging Materials.” US IEDO Decarbonization Challenges & Priorities in the Food & Beverage Industry. Workshop organized by the US Department of Energy. September 24, 2024. Chicago, IL, USA.

  • “Creative applications for food waste.” Putting our food to work, not waste / Sustainability in the food industry. 2024 Food Sustainability Conference organized by GTF Technologies. April 18, 2024. Virtual. 

  • “Current and future trends in fresh produce packaging.” Breakfast event organized by StePac PCC. October 20, 2023. Anaheim, California, USA.

  • “Turning agricultural waste into packages for food.” The 10th Shelf-life International Meeting (X SLIM 2022). November 29, 2022. Bogota, Colombia. (

  • "Plastics for food packaging 101.” The 41st Annual Refrigerated Foods Association Conference & Exhibition. February 21, 2022. Amelia island, FL, USA. (

  • “Consequencias de la interaccion entre envase y alimento.” Webinar organized by el Centro Roberto Garza Sada Arte, Arquitectura, y Diseño with University of Monterrey (UDEM), Nuevo Leon, Mexico. June 23, 2021.

  • “Active food packaging: fundamentals and emerging concepts.” Trends in Food Packaging: an international webinar. Webinar organized by the ICAR-Indian National Diary Research Institute (ICAR-NDRI)), Karnal, India. March 5, 2021.

  • “Introduction to the research program of Prof. Eva Almenar.” MSU-SVV partnership workshop. May 20, 2019. Mumbai, India.
  • “Novel Packaging for baked goods.” BakingTech 2018. February 26, 2018. Chicago, IL, USA.
  • “Avances en tecnologías para envases.” Epicentro Cluser 2018. February 22, 2018. Cali, Colombia.
  • “Materiales y tecnologías para envasado de alimentos y bebidas: Aplicaciones innovadoras.” Food Pack Summit 2017. September 27, 2017. Mexico City, Mexico.
  • “Shelf-life prediction of packaged foods.” 1st Food Aid Packaging Solutions Workshop Series. A USAID, USDA, and MSU Collaborative effort. May 24, 2017. East Lansing, MI, USA.
  • “Trends in food packaging.” Spring 2017 seminar program at the Southern Illinois University chemistry department. March 10, 2017. Carbondale, IL, USA.
  • “Changes in flexible packaging in a challenging market.” 2016 UBE Change and Challenge: Ideas and inspiration for new products and business. Have you ever considered the possibilities of flexible packaging structure? November 08, 2016. Chicago, IL, USA.
  • “Trends in modified atmosphere packaging.” New Technology Forum – Innovation in Packaging at the SPE ANTEC 2016. May 23, 2016. Indianapolis, IN, USA.
  • “New packaging trends and their impact on in-package atmospheres: effect on food quality and safety.” Process Expo 2015. September 16, 2015. Chicago, IL, USA.
  • “Study on the shelf life of fresh potatoes as affected by packaging.” Volm Companies’ sales meeting. April 30, 2014. Sun Valley, ID, USA.
  • “Applications of bio-based materials in food packaging.” Process Expo 2013. November 4, 2013. Chicago, IL, USA.
  • “Nuevas tendencias en empaques para productos perecederos.” II International Conference on Postharvest Quality Managment of Horticultural Produtcs of Interst for Tropic Regions (II Conferencia Internacional en Manejo Poscosecha y Calidad de productos Hortícolas de Interés en el Trópico). November 3, 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.
  • “Application of corn-based plastic materials, such as poly(lactic acid), PLA, to fresh produce packaging.” 2010 Gordon Research Conference on Postharvest Physiology. July 1, 2010. Tilton, NH, USA.
  • “Measuring supply chain trends in the packaging of stem-free fresh sweet cherries: a sustainable approach” Section “Innovations in Fresh Fruit Packaging” of the Food Safety Demo Center. 2010 United Fresh Convention. April 23, 2010. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  • “De los polimeros sinteticos a los naturales.” Tendencias Internacionales en Envases y Materiales Ecosustentables. June19-20 and 22, 2007. Santiago and Puerto Mont, Chile.