Evaluation and Operation of Agricultural Marketing Boards in Tanzania. [1968 – 1969]
Co-Principal Investigators
Glenn L. Johnson
Professor Emeritus, and Distinguished Professor
Henry E. Larzelere
Professor Emeritus
Non-AFRE Co-Principle Investigators: Herb Kriesel (Agricultural Economics
Project Name: Evaluation and Operation of Agricultural Marketing Boards in Tanzania.
Donor: Agency for International Development, Government of Tanzania
Contract No: AID/afr-562
Account No: 71-1985
Location: Tanzania
Duration: July 1968 - December 1969
Budget: $140,000
Key MSU Faculty: Herb Kriesel, Director, Glenn Johnson, Campus Coordinator, Henry Larzelere (Agricultural Economics)
Documents: (Click here to view)
Project Goals: To conduct a comprehensive study of the marketing and pricing system, and the organization and management of the marketing boards and cooperatives, and to prepare a detailed time-phased agricultural marketing and pricing program and an implementation plan for improving the efficiency of the cooperatives and of the marketing system.
Project Plans/Objectives:
- To historically compare price policy issues in both domestic and world market contexts;
- To evaluate marketing boards in terms of their administrative nature and functions, both as to effectiveness in serving existing and desirable policies and their efficiencies of performance;
- To evaluate cooperatives in terms of their economic efficiency, both internally and in relationship to other entities, and their effectiveness in performing desired functions.
Cooperating Institutions: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives, Cooperative College at Moshi, FAO, NORDIC Advisors
Project Summary Comment: The project succeeded in identifying the extent and sources of loss within the marketing system, it established base line information on cooperatives in Tanzania, and it identified the shortcomings of contractual procedures involving transport. Findings also showed how the marketing of one commodity subsidized the marketing of another. A comparison of maize marketing costs over time presented in the final report.
Documents From/About This Project:
- Agricultural Marketing in Tanzania: Background Research and Policy Proposals. 1970. By Kriesel, Herbert C., Charles Laurent, Carl Halpern and Henry Larzelere. [East Lansing]: Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University.
- Review of: Agricultural Marketing in Tanzania: Background Research and Policy Proposals. 1971. By Herbert C Kriesel, Charles K Laurent, Carl Halpern and Henry E Larzelere
- Agricultural Marketing in Tanzania: Background Research and Policy Proposals. 1971. By Herbert C Kriesel, Charles K Laurent, Carl Halpern and Henry E Larzelere