Bylaws Section 4. Department Organization


4.1.   Chairperson

4.1.1.   The chief executive officer of the Department shall be designated Chairperson.

4.1.2.   The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the President upon nomination by the Dean of the College.

4.1.3.   The voting members of the department shall have shared responsibility with the Dean to determine procedures for the selection of the Chairperson.     Selection of a Department Chairperson

Upon a vacancy in the position of Department Chairperson, the Department Advisory Committee will serve as the liaison between the faculty and the Dean to fill the position. Together, procedures will be worked out consistent with the University Bylaws which will include, but will not be limited to the following: 1) individual faculty members along with the Department Advisory Committee and the Dean will have the opportunity to suggest criteria and nominees for the position; and 2) faculty members individually and/or collectively will participate in the screening process by arrangement with the Department Advisory Committee. The Department Advisory Committee will nominate a Search Committee that will consist of voting members, one of whom will serve as Chair of the Search Committee, a staff representative, a graduate student representative and a regular CANR faculty member outside of the department. These nominations will be submitted to the Dean for approval. Once the composition of the Search Committee is approved, it shall act as the department representatives for the Chair search. The role of the Search Committee will include, but not be limited to composing the job description for approval by the voting members and the Dean, advertise and recruit nominees for the position, screen applications, suggest nominees for interview, develop the nominees’ itinerary in consultation with the Dean, and host each nominee who is invited to interview.     The nominees for the Chair position to be interviewed will be invited by the Dean and schedules arranged in consultation with the Department Search Committee. Reactions of faculty to the interviews will be solicited by the Search Committee and communicated to the Dean.     When the selection is made, the Dean will inform the faculty simultaneously with or prior to the time his/her recommendation is transmitted through the President for action by the Board of Trustees.

4.1.4.   Appointment of a Temporary Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Department in consultation with the Dean will select a member of the regular faculty who will serve during temporary absences of the Chairperson (less than one month).     The Temporary Chairperson shall perform such duties and assume such responsibilities as may be delegated by the Chairperson or Acting Chairperson.

4.1.5.   Appointment of Acting Chairperson. In the event of the prolonged absence of the Department Chairperson, an Acting Chairperson will be appointed by the Dean. The Acting Chairperson shall perform all duties of the Chairperson. Nominees for consideration by the Dean will be made by the Department Advisory Committee after consultation with the voting members of the department.

4.1.6.   At intervals not to exceed five years, the Dean shall review the desirability of continuing the appointment of the Chairperson. At the same time, the Chairperson shall be consulted by the Dean concerning his/her interest and willingness to continue.     Review of Department Chairperson by Dean. The Department Advisory Committee will obtain review comments from all faculty and relay them to the Dean. The Dean may act on the basis of this review or he/she may consult privately with any of the faculty in order to augment this review. The Dean shall make a decision in compliance with University Bylaws.

4.1.7.   There is no limit, other than the limit imposed by the University rules on retirement from administrative positions, on the number of times an individual may be continued in the position of Chairperson.

4.1.8.   The Chairperson shall be responsible for education, research and service programs, budgetary matters, physical facilities, and personnel matters in his/her jurisdiction.

4.1.9.   The Chairperson shall seek the counsel of the voting members of the department in formulating major policy decisions affecting the personnel and the program of the unit, especially in matters pertaining to appointments, promotions, tenure, research and curriculum.

4.2.   Associate Chair

4.2.1.   The Associate Chair shall be a Regular Faculty member selected by the Chair after consultation with the Department Advisory Committee, for approval by the Dean of the College. The need for appointment of an Associate Chair will be made at the discretion of the Chair/Acting Chair, in consultation with the Department Advisory Committee. In the event that an Associate Chair is deemed to be unnecessary, the Chair of the Departmental Advisory Committee will represent the Chair/Acting Chair in his/her absence.

4.2.2.   The duties of the Associate Chair shall be:   Act in absence of the Chair and when requested by the Chair as Chief Officer of the Department.   Represent the Department and the University where appropriate.   Act as signing officer for Departmental business.   In consultation with the Chair, accept other specific administrative responsibilities to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department. These duties might include one or more of the following:  Oversee continued development of undergraduate and graduate curriculum.  Develop and oversee disciplinary and interdisciplinary research groups to develop proposals and pursue research funding initiatives.  Act as liaison for the Department with interest and commodity groups.  Coordinate department fundraising and development.

4.3.   Department Advisory Committee

4.3.1.   Functions     To serve in a counseling and advisory capacity to the Department Chairperson and to bring to his/her attention such practices, policies and procedures as may need reviewing.     To study and report on policies of the University and College as they may affect the welfare of the Department.     To provide a means through which the faculty may bring problems concerning the welfare of the department to the attention of the Department Chairperson or faculty as appropriate.     To conduct required department nominations and elections.

4.3.2.   Composition     The committee shall consist of four voting members of the Department.     Members shall serve for two-year term. Committee members cannot serve consecutive terms. The term of office shall start on 1 July. During their first regular meeting, the Committee shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary from its membership under the direction of the previous Chairperson of the Committee, or in his/her absence, the previous Secretary.

4.3.3.   Nominations and Elections     Voting members may nominate two persons by mail ballot. The names of the four persons receiving the highest number of nominations, and agreeing to serve, will be presented for election by mail ballot. Each member must vote for two nominees. The two persons receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.     Any member of the committee who expects to be absent from the Department more than four months shall be replaced by election as early as practical. This election shall follow the established procedure except that each person shall vote for one of two nominees presented and one shall be elected.     In the case of a tie, the votes for either nominations or elections shall be decided by a runoff mail ballot listing tied nominees.

4.3.4.   Meetings, Record and Reports     The committee shall:  Meet once each month. Interim meetings may be held on request of the Chairperson or at the request of three or more voting members.  Keep records of its activities and transfer its records and files at the end of the year to the new committee.  Make periodic reports to the faculty.

4.4.   Other Department Committees

4.4.1.   The Department Chairperson in consultation with the Department Advisory Committee, shall appoint members to the following committees: 1) Graduate Programs, 2) Undergraduate Programs, and 3) Seminar, and establish such other procedures as he/she deems appropriate in obtaining advice on the conduct of department matters. The Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Committee will consist of all regular faculty with the rank of Associate Professor or Professor who have attained tenure.

4.4.2.   Strategic Faculty Positions Committee      Functions   Soliciting and considering all proposals for new and replacement faculty positions, and developing recommendations for the filling of positions that are consistent and strategic, based on a complex set of factors that include: current and anticipated position retirements; applied research and extension needs to serve the department’s land grant mission to Michigan’s key horticultural industries; fundamental plant research needs to advance science and the department’s academic foundation; teaching needs to foster instructional excellence for Horticulture students; and visionary preparation to be able to respond to unanticipated opportunities that can advance departmental research, teaching, and extension capacities.   Coordinating presentation of all proposed and recommended new positions to the faculty for discussion of position description development and prioritization by vote.   Initiating and maintaining records of new and historic faculty position descriptions, including faculty discussions and actions taken regarding development and prioritization of new faculty positions.      Composition. The Strategic Faculty Positions Committee shall comprise five (5) faculty member representatives from (and elected by) each of the four commodity areas (i.e., Floriculture, Fruit, Landscape/Nursery, and Vegetable) plus the Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology (PBGB) program. Service shall be for staggered three (3) year terms. The committee will select their chair annually.

4.4.3.  Culture, Access and Belonging Committee Function: The Culture, Access and Belonging (CAB) Committee will work to support, initiate, and facilitate efforts that will promote an awareness of the importance of culture, access, and belonging within all areas of the Department of Horticulture. These efforts include, but are not limited to the following: Organizing CAB-related events, such as discussions, seminars, workshops, and social events, including those requested by any member of the department. Promoting awareness of existing resources and events within MSU. Identifying and disseminating resources related to teaching, mentoring, and recruitment.  Serve as a resource for individuals within the department that have concerns about discriminatory behavior or policies.  Work with the DAC to help address or resolve any identified discriminatory department policies. Composition: Members of the CAB Committee should consist of two or three faculty members, one to two staff members, and two graduate students. Postdocs and undergraduate students will be highly encouraged to participate as well, so that all department members are represented. Appointed faculty members and staff shall serve staggered two-year terms. Graduate students, and any interested postdocs and undergraduates will serve a minimum of one-year. All CAB Committee members shall be nominated and confirmed by a simple majority vote within their respective group. A chairperson will be elected annually by a simple majority of the CAB committee members. It is recommended that committee members serve no more than 4 consecutive years. Committee elections will take place every year on the first Friday in April. Additionally, all members of the department are welcome to join and participate in committee meetings but will not have voting rights.  

4.4.4   Additional committees, either elected or appointed, may be established at the discretion of the Chairperson. In the case of search committees, every reasonable effort will be made to avoid conflicts of interest between committee members and the applicants.                

4.4.5.   The procedures for appointment or election to committees and terms of membership on a committee will be determined by the Department Advisory Committee.

4.4.6.   Committees shall keep records or minutes of activities and be prepared to report to the faculty at a staff meeting if a faculty member requests it.

4.4.7.   Term limits for leadership: the chairperson for the Graduate Program Committee, the Undergraduate Program Committee, and the Strategic Faculty Positions Committee may serve no more than two consecutive 3-year terms but can continue to serve on the committee after chairing if they wish. A chairperson having served two consecutive terms will be eligible to serve as chair again after a minimum of one 3-year gap.  

4.5.   Representatives to College and University Committees

4.5.1.   Nomination and Election: Whenever the department is required to submit nominations to or to elect representatives for College or University committees, the same shall be done by mail ballot at the initiative of the Departmental Advisory Committee Chairperson following initial nominations made to the secretary of the Department Advisory Committee by the voting members. The procedures for nomination and election will be determined by the Department Advisory Committee.