The MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance were passed by the Board of Trustees in 1975, and remain in effect today. This document provides a set of rules for organizing, maintaining and governing the college.
A PDF of the CANR Bylaws for Academic Governance is available in this download.
CANR Bylaws
Updated May 2023
- 1.1. Composition of the Faculty
- 1.2. Faculty Voting Rights
- 1.3. Modes of Participation
- 1.4. Faculty Meetings
- 3.1. Dean of the College
- 3.2. College Advisory Council
- 3.3. Standing Committees of the College Advisory Council
- 3.4. College Promotion and Tenure Committee
- 3.5. Special Committees
5. Other Administrative Officers Within The College
6. Grievance and Hearing Procedures
The Bylaws for Academic Governance, Michigan State University, which were approved by the Board of Trustees March 21, 1975, specify certain responsibilities and required actions of the faculty of each college.
The major purposes of these bylaws are: 1) to implement the requirements of the Bylaws for Academic Governance, Michigan State University - 1975, with reference to College structure and procedures; 2) to provide a structure and procedure for faculty and student participation in College and University matters; and 3) to provide an environment wherein each member of the College may make the best contributions, in the faculty member’s own work as well as in the general operations of the college.
Nothing in these bylaws shall be construed as: 1) limiting or discouraging the rights of groups or individuals in the College from initiating actions or resolving problems through direct consultation with administrative officers, 2) limiting the rights of the Dean to discuss and formulate programs of action with such individuals or groups as the Dean may chose, acting within the general framework of these bylaws, or 3) relieving the College faculty or its administrative officers of their total scholarly responsibilities to off-campus as well as on- campus people through the resident instruction, research, and Extension/outreach activities of the College.
The Bylaws for Academic Governance, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, provide an opportunity for the college faculty to affirm and dedicate itself to the Land Grant philosophy of extending equality of educational opportunity at the university level, and to continue its historic tradition of a willingness and sense of responsibility to carry knowledge to the people, to solve significant problems of society, and to meet the challenge of change in everyday life. In accordance with the progressive educational philosophy originated by the Morrill Act of 1862, the faculty and the facilities of the College are dedicated to the service of humanity. In this regard, the members of the MSU Extension field staff* holding Board of Trustees appointments are recognized as an integral part of the academic community within the College.
*Members of the MSU AgBioResearch and Extension field staff operate within the framework of their organizations and are not governed by these bylaws.
These bylaws apply to all units of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
1.1. Composition of the Faculty
- The faculty of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources consist of regular, fixed-term, and honorary faculty as defined in sections,, and of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance, with the regular faculty also including College administrators who hold faculty academic rank.
- The faculty of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources consist of regular, fixed-term, and honorary faculty as defined in sections,, and of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance, with the regular faculty also including College administrators who hold faculty academic rank.
- 1.2. Faculty Voting Rights
- Faculty voting rights within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources are as defined in section 1.1.2. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance, with the voting faculty including specialists in the continuing appointment system.
- 1.3. Modes of Participation
- The four modes of faculty and student participation identified for use in Academic Governance are as defined in section 1.3. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- 1.4. Faculty Meetings
- 1.4.1. The faculty of the College shall meet at least once during each year, preferably during Spring semester. Additional meetings of the faculty of the College also may be called by the Dean or the College Advisory Council.
- 1.4.2. The Dean or designee shall generally attend all meetings of a College academic governance body and shall preside at each meeting of the faculty of the College.
- 1.4.3. Conduct of all College faculty meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, except as modified in these bylaws or by vote of the faculty.
- 1.4.4. College faculty meetings shall generally be open meetings. Speaking privileges at College faculty meetings shall be accorded student representatives on the College Advisory Council, Curriculum and Graduate Committees. Except by invitation, no other persons who are not faculty 1.1.) shall be accorded speaking privileges. At the discretion of the Dean or the College Advisory Council, College faculty meetings devoted to particular subjects may be closed to all except the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.).
- 1.4.5. The secretary of the College Advisory Council shall serve as secretary of meetings of the College faculty. The College Advisory Council will tentatively approve the minutes of college faculty meetings and distribute the minutes to the faculty for review. Faculty amendments to the minutes must be received by the Chairperson of the College Advisory Council in writing within two weeks after distribution to the faculty and acted upon by the College Advisory Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
- 1.4.6. Action may be taken by a majority of the voting members present as a result of voting at a regularly called meeting for which an agenda has been distributed in advance. Abstentions are counted as votes. A quorum of 20% of eligible voting faculty within the college is required for action. By a request of 30 eligible voters who are present, a secret ballot at the meeting or a mail or electronic ballot of all eligible voters in the College shall be taken. However, this request must be made before the final vote on a motion is taken.
- 1.4.7. Action, which may be interpreted as constituting policy of the faculty involved, shall be restricted to those items for which an agenda calling for such action has been distributed to the voting faculty at least five days in advance of the meeting date.
- 1.4.8. Items may be placed on the agenda of meetings of the faculty of the College by the Dean, the College Advisory Council, or by petition of any 15 members of the voting faculty of the College.
- 1.4.9. At least one elected member to each University Committee or board shall report the activities and progress of their committee or board at a College Faculty meeting at least once each year.
- 2.1. Student Constituency of the College
- 2.1.1. The student constituency of the College, for the purpose of selecting student representatives from the College to university committees, shall be all students who have declared with the Registrar a major or major preference in an academic program administered in the College including students enrolled in the Institute of Agricultural Technology.
- 2.1.2. Those students who are enrolled in graduate non-degree programs, as candidates for graduate degrees, or as candidates for graduate-professional degrees shall be deemed graduate students.
- 2.1.3. All other students shall be deemed as undergraduate students.
- 2.2. Student Participation in Academic Governance
- The faculty of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources consist of regular, fixed-term, and honorary faculty as defined in sections,, and of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance, with the regular faculty also including College administrators who hold faculty academic rank.
- 3.1. Dean of the College
- 3.1.1. The chief executive officer of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the Dean.
- 3.1.2. The Dean is responsible for educational, research and service programs of the College. This responsibility includes budgetary matters, physical facilities and personnel matters in his or her jurisdiction taking into account the advisory procedures of the College.
- 3.1.3. Pursuant to section the Bylaws for Academic Governance, the voting faculty of the College shall have shared responsibility with the Provost to determine procedures for the selection of the Dean to be nominated by the Provost.
- 3.1.4. Faculty, staff and students of the College shall advise the Provost in the appointment of a Dean.
- 3.1.5. Procedures for selecting a Dean are outlined in Appendix A attached to this document.
- 3.1.6. Whenever an Acting Dean is to be appointed by Board of Trustees action, the Provost will consult the College Advisory Council prior to making a recommendation to the Board.
- 3.1.7. The selection of assistant and associate administrators to be nominated to the Provost shall be the responsibility of the Dean who shall receive the views of faculty and students through the academic governance system.
- The Dean shall consult with the College Advisory Council, the unit Chairpersons and Directors concerning the appointment or replacement of an Associate or Assistant Dean.
- At intervals not to exceed five years, the Dean shall review the desirability of continuing the appointment of the Associate or Assistant Dean by consulting with faculty members, Chairpersons and Directors and by consulting with the Associate or Assistant Dean concerning his or her interest and willingness to continue as Associate or Assistant Dean.
- Procedures for selecting an Associate or Assistant Dean are outlined in Appendix B attached to this document.
- 3.1.8. Regular review of the Dean of the College shall be in accordance with section 2.1.4. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- 3.1.9. The Dean shall participate in academic governance as part of administrative responsibility. This participation shall include those responsibilities listed in Section 2.1.5. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- 3.2. College Advisory Council
- 3.2.1. Composition
- Each degree certifying academic unit of the College shall elect one representative from their voting faculty to the College Advisory Council. These include each department for which the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is the Lead College, the School of Packaging and the School of Planning, Design and Construction. The College Advisory Council shall select one of the elected College faculty representatives to University Council to serve as liaison between the two Councils. The liaison shall have no vote unless they are an elected member of the University Council.
- The College Advisory Council shall also include: one representative of the MSU Extension off- campus staff who will serve as an ex-officio member without vote, to be selected by the Michigan Council of Extension Associations; one graduate student from the College selected by the College representatives to the Council of Graduate Students; and one undergraduate student from the College selected by the Student Senate of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The associate and assistant deans, and one representative from the Staff Advisory Committee, will serve as ex-officio members without vote and are encouraged to attend all College Advisory Council meetings. To ensure representation of the diverse interests of the faculty in the College, the academic units will, when selecting faculty representatives to the College Advisory Council, give careful consideration to the composition of the Council with respect to representation by rank and protected class status.
- 3.2.2. Functions
- To serve as an open channel of communication between the College faculty, students and Dean.
- To assist the Dean in discharge of his or her responsibilities by a direct representation of faculty and student opinion.
- To provide a means through which problems concerning the welfare of the College may be brought to the attention of the Dean or College faculty, as appropriate.
- To prepare, in cooperation with the Dean, the agenda and make all necessary arrangements for the College faculty meeting.
- To be responsible for the supervision and conduct of College faculty nominations and elections.
- To be advisory to the Dean on College matters.
- To make regular appointments to, and to fill vacancies on College standing committees, Academic Council and University committees and boards for unexpired terms.
- To select College nominees for the Distinguished Faculty Awards, Teacher-Scholar Awards, Excellence in Teaching Awards, and other similar distinctions and awards at the request of the Dean.
- With respect to section 3.1.3. the College Advisory Council, on behalf of the Faculty of the College, has shared responsibility with the Provost to develop procedures for the selection of the Dean of the College to be nominated by the Provost.
- 3.2.3. Procedures
- The Council shall determine its own operating rules and procedures, and annually shall elect a Chairperson, a Secretary and an Election Officer from its voting faculty membership. The Election Officer shall serve as Vice Chairperson and will chair College Advisory Council meetings when the Chairperson is unavailable.
- The Council shall meet as often as required to perform its duties. The meetings are open.
- The agenda and minutes of the College Advisory Council meetings shall be published electronically on the CANR webpage.
- 3.2.4. Eligibility
- All members of the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.) shall be eligible for election, with the following exceptions:
- Members of the other standing committees of the College faculty with a remaining term of office longer than six months.
- The Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans, unit Chairpersons and Directors, and other college level administrators.
- All members of the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.) shall be eligible for election, with the following exceptions:
- 3.2.5. Terms of Office
- Elected voting faculty members shall serve for two-year terms. No faculty member shall serve two consecutive two- year terms. A College Advisory Council member elected to fill a vacancy may stand for election for the succeeding term of office. One half of the College Advisory Council shall be elected each year to a two-year term.
- The College faculty representative to the Academic Council serving on the College Advisory Council shall be appointed each year for a one-year term.
- The voting members of the College Advisory Council shall be elected during Spring Semester. Election results shall be forwarded to CAC Election Officer by May 15. Terms of office for faculty shall commence on August 16.
- Student representatives shall serve one-year terms with terms beginning the first day of summer semester classes.
- Vacancies on the Council shall be filled by election of a replacement by the unit to complete the unexpired term. A vacancy shall occur by resignation or when a Council member is absent or expects to be absent from his or her campus assignment for a period of four months or more. Student vacancies shall be filled by the representatives to the Council of Graduate Students or by the Student Senate.
- 3.2.6. Election Procedures
- Each degree certifying academic unit of the College shall elect one faculty representative to the College Advisory Council. During the spring semester the voting faculty of each academic unit with a Council vacancy shall elect one of their number to the Council in a manner determined by the unit.
- The faculty election for the Standing Committees of the College Advisory Council, Academic Council and University Committees and boards shall be conducted and supervised by the College Advisory Council during the spring semester of each academic year.
- The voting faculty of each academic unit may nominate candidates, who have consented to become nominees, for election to the College standing committees, Academic Council and University committees and boards. For each opening on a University Committee or board, up to two names shall appear on the ballot with no more than one nominee from each department or school. During the last two weeks of the Fall semester, the Election Officer shall request in writing that the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee of each department and school provide nominees, and allow five weeks to fulfill the request. The Election Officer shall include in the cover letter to unit Advisory Committee Chairpersons a statement encouraging the nomination of interested and qualified individuals without regard to rank, nature of appointment, and elect ability. Each academic unit should give careful attention to the composition of its nominations with respect to representation by rank and protected class status.
- The Election Officer shall request a short vita on each nominee. The vita shall be limited to 100 words and should include the unit designation, rank, College responsibilities and College activities of the nominee. The vita of each nominee shall be included with the ballot.
- Election shall be by mail or electronic ballot of the College voting faculty (as defined in 1.2.) from the slate of eligible nominees. Scheduling shall allow at least two weeks for voting. Each voting member of the faculty may cast as many votes as there are positions to be filled for a given office. Tie votes shall be decided by a runoff mail or electronic ballot listing tied nominees.
- 3.2.1. Composition
- 3.3. Standing Committees of the College Advisory Council
- 3.3.1. There shall be the following standing committees: College Curriculum Committee; College Graduate Committee; College Teaching and Academic Policy Committee; College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- 3.3.2. General Rules Governing Standing Committees
- Procedures
- Committees shall determine their own operating rules and procedures, and annually shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary from their membership (excluding ex-officio members).
- Committees shall meet as often as required to perform their duties, but not less than once during each of the fall and spring semesters. The meetings are open.
- The agendas and minutes of all standing committees shall be published electronically on the CANR webpage.
- The Chairpersons of the College standing committees shall report the activities and progress of their committees to the College Advisory Council at least once each year.
- Faculty Membership
- All members of the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.) shall be eligible for election with the following exceptions:
- Members of the College Advisory Council and other standing committees of the College faculty with a remaining term of office longer than six months.
- The Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans, Directors, and unit Chairpersons and Directors, and other College level administrators.
- A unit may have only one voting faculty member at a time on a given standing committee.
- All members of the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.) shall be eligible for election with the following exceptions:
- Student Membership
- The Student Senate and the College representatives to the Council of Graduate Student shall be responsible for selecting their representatives on College standing committees.
- No student may serve as a member of more than one College standing committee at a time.
- Terms of Office
- Voting faculty members shall serve three-year terms with two new member elected each year except for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee which shall have one new member appointed (see each year.
- No member of a committee shall serve consecutive terms on the same college standing committee.
- Terms of office for faculty shall commence on August 16.
- Student representatives shall serve one-year terms. Terms of office for students shall begin the first day of summer semester classes.
- A College standing committee faculty vacancy occurring during a term of office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term. The replacement shall be selected by the voting members of the College Advisory Council from the list of candidates appearing on the preceding election slate in consultation with the Dean. A vacancy shall occur by resignation or when a committee member is absent or expects to be absent from campus assignment for a period of four months or more. Student vacancies shall be filled by the representatives to the Council of Graduate Students or by the Student Senate. Staff vacancies shall be filled by the Staff Advisory Committee.
- Election
- The College Advisory Council shall conduct and supervise the faculty election during the spring semester of each academic year in the manner prescribed in section 3.2.6.of these bylaws.
- Appointment
- During the Spring semester of each year, the voting members of the College Advisory Council, in consultation with the Dean and the Director for Academic and Student Affairs, shall appoint one faculty member to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. To ensure representation of the diverse interests of the faculty of the College, the Council will give careful attention to the composition of the committee with respect to representation by size of department, faculty rank, protected class status, and nature of appointment, and make appointments so as to achieve diversity of representation. Terms of office for appointees shall commence on August 16.
- Staff Membership
- Members of the staff, as defined by the Staff Advisory Council guidelines, shall be eligible for selection to College standing committees.
- The Staff Advisory Council shall be responsible for selecting their representatives on College standing committees.
- Procedures
- 3.3.3. Composition and Function of College Standing Committees
- College Curriculum Committee
- The voting membership of the Curriculum Committee shall consist of six elected faculty members, one undergraduate student and one graduate student. Ex-officio members without vote shall consist of the Director and Assistant Director of Academic and Student Affairs and the College faculty representative on the University Curriculum Committee.
- The College Curriculum Committee is the clearinghouse for all curriculum matters. It shall review and evaluate all changes in courses, curricula and degree requirements. It shall take leadership in considering the establishment and deletion of courses and curricula. The committee shall present to the College faculty those curriculum matters that it deems appropriate for discussion and/or action.
- College Graduate Committee
- The voting membership of the Graduate Committee shall consist of six elected faculty members, and one graduate student. Ex-officio members without vote shall consist of the Director of Academic and Student Affairs and the College faculty representatives serving on the University Committee on Graduate Studies.
- The Graduate Committee shall review, evaluate, and recommend proposals for new graduate programs and revision in existing programs. It shall present to the College faculty such matters on graduate programs and policies that it deems appropriate for discussion and/or action.
- The Chairperson of the Graduate Committee shall serve as Chairperson of the College Graduate Judiciary. At the first Graduate Committee meeting each fall, he or she shall appoint the committee’s graduate student member and one faculty member from the committee, who represent a disciplinary interest area differing from that of both the Chairperson’s and the graduate student’s, to comprise a three-person standing College Graduate Judiciary for that Academic year. At that time, the Chairperson also shall appoint alternates for both the faculty member and the graduate student, who will serve when the party or parties involved in a case at issue are from the same academic unit as one of the regular members of the College judiciary.
- College Teaching and Academic Policy Committee
- The voting membership of the Teaching and Academic Policy Committee shall consist of six elected faculty members, one undergraduate student and one graduate student. Ex-officio members without vote shall consist of the Director and Assistant Director of Academic and Student Affairs and the College faculty representative on the University Committee on Undergraduate Education.
- The Teaching and Academic Policy Committee shall advise and consult with the Director of Academic Affairs on matters of teaching and academic policy affecting the college.
- The Teaching and Academic Policy Committee shall coordinate its activities with those of the College Curriculum Committee and the College Graduate Committee as specified by the College Advisory Council.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
- The voting membership of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee shall consist of three elected faculty members, three appointed faculty members, two staff members (one of whom shall represent MSU Extension), one undergraduate student and one graduate student. Ex-officio members without vote shall consist of the Associate Dean and Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Associate Director for Diversity, MSU Extension Diversity Specialist, and the CANR representative to the university-wide IDEA (Institutional Diversity: Excellence in Action) Coordinators Committee (if that representative is not one of the above ex-officio members).
- The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee shall recommend, review, and evaluate policies and programs that affect the diversity of the faculty, staff and students of CANR, as well as the inclusivity efforts of the college. It shall advise and consult with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Dean, and units and offices on efforts to foster an equitable and inclusive environment in the college and facilitate outreach, recruitment, and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and students.
- The Committee shall coordinate its activities with other standing committees on affairs relevant to their focus areas. The committee will present to the College faculty such matters that it deems appropriate for discussion and/or action.
- College Curriculum Committee
- 3.4. College Promotion and Tenure Committee
- 3.4.1. Composition
- The voting faculty of each degree-certifying academic unit of the College shall elect one regular faculty member at the rank of professor to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee (the Committee). All tenured regular faculty holding the rank of professor in each department and school are eligible for election.
- Academic units are encouraged to consider a balance of appointments across extension, international, teaching, and research areas of the land grant mission when electing members for the College Promotion and Tenure Committee.
- 3.4.2. Eligibility
- Tenured regular faculty in the College who hold the rank of professor are eligible for election by their departments or schools, with the following exceptions: the Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, academic unit Chairpersons or Directors, and other college and/or academic unit-level administrators who are tenured professors of CANR.
- 3.4.3. Function
- The College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall advise the Dean on all tenure stream faculty reappointments, promotion and tenure actions. All discussions and recommendations shall remain confidential within the Committee.
- 3.4.4. Procedures
- The Chair of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be elected shall be elected in the Spring semester from among the Committee members who have served for at least one year. The only exception is during the first year of the Committee, the Chair shall be elected in the Spring semester from among the entire committee.
- The College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall determine its operating rules and procedures and annually elect a Chair and recording Secretary. Written Committee minutes and a written report for each candidate considered, shall remain confidential and be filed in the Office of the Dean. All meetings of the Committee shall be closed to the public. The chair of the Committee may invite, by written request, one or more confidential reviews by CANR professor(s) at large who have expertise that is (are) absent from among current Committee members.
- The College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall organize and schedule its first meeting on or before September 15 of each year. A schedule of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee meetings shall be synchronized with the Dean’s Office and distributed to college administrators and academic unit chairs on or before October 1. All nomination packets should be submitted to the Office of the Dean on or before the first Friday of December. Committee recommendations should be submitted to the Dean on or before the third Friday of January.
- The College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall meet as often as necessary during the Fall and Spring semesters to perform its duties.
- The Chair of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall provide a summary of the Committee’s recommendations to the College Advisory Council during a scheduled meeting in Spring semester.
- A uniform written confidential report, established or improved annually by the College Promotion and Tenure Committee, shall be completed and signed by the Committee chair for each candidate and forwarded to the Dean. It is assumed the Dean will forward these written reports to the Chair/Director of the academic unit for each nominee. The Chair of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee should join the College Administrative Team during their final discussions and decisions of each reappointment, promotion and tenure consideration.
- 3.4.5. Terms of Office
- Elected professors shall serve a three-year term. No voting faculty member shall serve two consecutive three-year terms. Professors will be eligible for re-election to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee two calendar years after the completion of their previous term.
- Approximately one-third of the voting members of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be elected each year to a three-year term. Terms of office shall commence on August 16. Each academic department chair or school director shall notify the Chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee during the Spring semester to identify the professor elected to represent their academic unit.
- Vacancies on the College Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be filled by the election of a replacement, from the same academic unit, to complete the unexpired term. A vacancy shall occur by resignation or when a Committee member is absent or expects to be absent during the regular Fall-Spring meetings scheduled for the Committee.
- 3.4.6. Revision of Bylaws
- Bylaws for the College Promotion and Tenure Committee will be reviewed by the standing Committee at least every five years. All changes will be submitted for ratification by the Committee Chair along with his/her annual report to the College Advisory Council.
- 3.4.1. Composition
- 3.5 Special Committees
- 3.5.1. Special committees may be established by the Dean, by the College Advisory Council, or by a majority vote of the College faculty present and voting at a duly called College Faculty meeting.
- 3.5.2. The term of those committees shall not be more than one year, although the committee may be reappointed more than once.
- 3.5.3. Except for committees dealing exclusively with faculty affairs, students shall be adequately represented on special committees, the number depending on the appropriateness of student involvement in the task of the committee.
- 4.1. If the size or responsibilities of a unit require alternative procedures, such procedures should be reviewed and approved by the College Advisory Council with consent of the Dean.
- 4.1.1. Chairperson or Director
- The chief executive officer of a unit shall be designated Chairperson or Director, with authorities and responsibilities as specified in sections 2.1.2 of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- The voting faculty of each department or school shall have shared responsibility with the Dean to determine procedures for the selection of Chairperson and Directors to be nominated to the Provost. All other procedures for appointing and reviewing the Chairperson or Director are outlined in sections 2.1.3. and 2.1.4. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- The Chairperson or Director shall participate in academic governance as directed in section 2.1.5. of the MSU Bylaws for Academic Governance. In particular, the Chairperson or Director shall seek the counsel of the voting members of the unit in formulating major policy decisions affecting the personnel and the program of the unit, especially in matters pertaining to appointments, promotions, tenure, research and curriculum. The chairperson or director should not participate in unit-level votes regarding reappointment, promotion, or tenure.
- 4.1.2. Unit Advisory Committee
- Each unit will elect a Unit Advisory Committee. The advisory committee is intended to serve as an open channel of communication between the unit and the Chairperson or Director. Its functions are twofold: to assist the Chairperson or Director in the discharge of his or her responsibilities by a direct representation of opinion, and to provide liaison with the College Advisory Council.
- 4.1.3. Unit Bylaws
- The voting faculty of each academic unit shall have shared responsibility with the administrator to adopt and publish bylaws, provided they are in conformity with the University Bylaws for Academic Governance.
- Academic unit bylaws shall be reviewed at intervals not to exceed five years.
- Bylaws of schools and departments shall be reviewed by the College Advisory Council. The decisions of the College Advisory Council can be appealed to the University Committee on Academic Governance.
- The bylaws of the College shall be reviewed by the University Committee on Academic Governance. Decisions of the Committee can be appealed to Academic Council.
- 4.1.4. Student Representation
- A unit shall define its student constituency and shall develop patterns for the significant involvement of its students in the decision-making processes by which policy is formed.
- The students of such a constituency shall be responsible for selecting, in a manner of their own choice, which provides all students an opportunity to vote, their representative on the committees for councils to which they are party.
- Membership on a committee or council shall in all cases carry with it, for student representatives, the right to vote on all matters that fall within the purview of the committee, except for matters that are exclusive concern to the faculty.
- 4.1.5. Terms and Conditions of Employment and Tenure
- The terms and conditions of employment shall be provided in writing to the faculty member at the time of appointment. These terms should include:
- The time period covered by the appointment.
- Salary provision.
- The general expectations in regard to the professional responsibilities of the person being appointed.
- Who will evaluate the faculty member’s professional performance and recommend salary adjustments.
- Conditions other than the appointee’s performance of his or her responsibilities that may make a further appointment inadvisable.
- The Chairperson or Director of the unit shall deliver in writing to the non-tenured faculty member at the time of appointment a copy of the unit’s bylaws that specifies the procedures for action on the status of non-tenured faculty.
- A non-tenured faculty member appointed on the tenure system who is not given a further appointment after the expiration of a specific term shall be given reasons in writing upon written request. The unit Chairperson or Director shall be charged with transmitting these reasons to the faculty member.
- When substantive issues of tenure are in the process of being formed, formal opportunities will be provided for students to represent their views regarding the faculty member’s teaching performance.
- The terms and conditions of employment shall be provided in writing to the faculty member at the time of appointment. These terms should include:
- 4.1.1. Chairperson or Director
- 5.1. Procedures for selecting directors of institutes, centers, and research laboratories are found in Appendix C attached to this document.
- 6.1. All faculty members and students shall have the right to due process in settling grievances that may arise.
- 6.2. Procedures for resolving faculty grievances are outlined in Appendix D attached to this document.
- 6.3. Procedures for resolving student grievances are outlined in the University document, Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University, incorporated into these bylaws by reference; in the University publication, Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities and in the bylaws of the Student Senate.
- 7.1. Interpretation
- 7.1.1. The College Advisory Council shall be the final authority with regard to the interpretation of these bylaws.
- 7.2. Amendments
- 7.2.1. Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of those voting on a mailed ballot following a College meeting at which the amendment was discussed, or at a regular College meeting following the meeting at which it was discussed, the method of voting to be determined by a majority vote of the qualified members present and voting.
- 7.3. Review
- 7.3.1. These bylaws shall be reviewed by the University Committee on Academic Governance at intervals not to exceed five years. Decisions of the committee can be appealed to Academic Council.
- Procedure for Selecting the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- See sections 3.1.3. and Pursuant to section of the Bylaws of Academic Governance, the voting faculty of the College (as defined in 1.2.) shall have shared responsibility with the Provost to determine procedures for the selection of the Dean to be nominated by the Provost. The College Advisory Council, on behalf of the Faculty of the College, has shared responsibility with the Provost to develop the procedures for the selection of the Dean of the College to be nominated by the Provost.
- The CANR’s position in these negotiations is to be developed based on the following guidelines, modified from the agreed-upon procedures used in the 2012 Dean search.
- The search shall be open to candidates currently appointed at Michigan State University and elsewhere. Upon approval of these procedures, the Search and Rating Committee (hereafter the Committee) shall prepare a job description announcement for posting which shall be approved by the Provost. The vacancy shall be posted in The Chronicle of Higher Education and in other appropriate publications, as agreed to by the Provost and the Committee to satisfy the standards of a national competitive search. Nominations will be accepted from any source.
- The Committee shall consist of individuals selected by the following procedures in compliance with University and CANR Bylaws. No person who permits his or her name to be entered as a candidate for the position of Dean shall continue to serve on the Committee. The Committee shall consist of a total of 15 members with the following affiliations:
- Seven voting faculty representatives shall be selected by the CAC from a pool of 13 faculty names, each of which shall been nominated from their respective academic unit. Two additional voting faculty members shall be selected by the Provost. The CAC shall recommend two faculty names from these faculty representatives to the Provost, who shall select one of them to be the Committee Chair.
- One College administrative representative will be selected by the CAC from two names that are submitted by the CANR Chairs/Directors.
- One Extension Educator representative shall be selected by the CAC from two names that are submitted by Michigan State University Extension.
- One staff representative shall be selected by the CAC from two names that are submitted by the CANR Staff Advisory Committee.
- One graduate student representative shall be selected by the CAC from two names that are submitted by the Council of Graduate Students; and one undergraduate student representative shall be selected from two names that are submitted by the Undergraduate Student Senate.
- One MSU Dean from outside of the College, but from within the University shall be appointed by the Provost from colleges which actively interact with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The Associate Provost for Academic Human Resources will participate as a member of the committee with voice only.
- Advisory Input will be sought from staff, academic specialists, alumni, industry, and professional organizations:
- Academic Specialists not in the continuing system shall be asked to form an advisory group to interact with the candidates and provide feedback to the Committee.
- • Alumni (e.g., President of the MSU College Alumni Board of Directors), stakeholders from various commodity groups, professional organizations, and state agencies (e.g., Michigan Department of Agriculture) shall be asked to serve on an Advisory Council to the Committee to interact with candidates, with at least the Chair of the committee or designee present when stakeholder interactions occur. Stakeholder groups should be self-selecting as to whether and to what extent they will be involved with the Advisory Council when candidates interview, using an invitation/RSVP process.
- The Committee may meet after notification of the full committee and take action if a simple majority of the members are present.
- The CAC shall find an alternate Committee member, when this is deemed necessary due to lack of representation of a group, if any member of the Committee resigns or otherwise vacates his or her membership.
- The Chair of the Committee shall sign all correspondence as required by the Committee. The Office of the Provost shall provide clerical support, maintain candidate information, and make information available to the Committee.
- The Committee and the Provost may jointly select a Search Consultant. The Search Consultant shall interact with and report to the Committee and the Provost. Recruitment of candidates is a Committee led activity with the help of the Search Consultant and many others. The Search Consultant shall play an active role in identification and cultivation of potential candidates and may perform other assignments agreed upon by the Committee and the Provost. Names of individuals identified by the Search Consultant shall be forwarded to the Committee and the Provost for review.
- The Committee shall seek qualified candidates. Special efforts shall be made to include women and minority candidates. The recruitment plan shall be approved in advance by the Office of Affirmative Action Compliance and Monitoring and the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost may also undertake special recruitment efforts for women and minority candidates. If the initial applicant pool does not include a reasonable proportion of women and minorities, additional efforts to identify such candidates will be undertaken.
- The Committee shall screen candidates to determine which individuals are best qualified. All candidates shall be assessed using the position description and defined qualification criteria. Initial screening of candidates will be a Committee -led activity based on application materials. Formal acknowledgement of candidacy by the Committee may not be required until letters of reference are requested. All involved in the search process shall commit to maintaining confidentiality.
- Each time the Committee completes a set of candidate ratings, the Committee and Provost or designee shall discuss the ratings. During the initial screening process, after in-depth consultation with the Committee, the Provost may decide to have a candidate or candidates remain on the "Active Candidate List" to be rated again in a subsequent screening. No candidate may be so reconsidered more than once. Once the Provost and the Committee agree on the list of candidates for on-campus interviews, no amendment to the list shall be permitted, except by agreement of two-thirds of the full Committee and the Provost. These consultations and actions shall be deemed confidential.
- Recognizing that the Dean will have the rank of full professor in a department or school inside CANR, the Committee shall consult with the appropriate unit Chair/Director concerning the academic qualifications of those candidates proposed to be invited for on- campus interviews. This consultation shall be deemed confidential.
When the Committee takes any major action or vote, a report will be sent to the Provost. Regular timely reports from the Committee should be sent to the CAC and the CAC will report information to the faculty. Such reports shall not include names of candidates and will not be deemed confidential.
- The Committee, in agreement with the Office of the Provost, will arrange and schedule the interviews for the final group of candidates. They shall include the President, the Provost, all key administrators involved in CANR programs and committees, plus if necessary, the appropriate "home" department or school (point 11 above). In addition, this schedule will include but not be limited to meetings with the CAC, other CANR faculty, and representatives of staff, academic specialists, students, and other deans. Background information on each final candidate will be made available to faculty and appropriate staff and students.
- All faculty, staff, and students who meet with candidates shall be provided with the opportunity to submit a written evaluation or otherwise communicate with the Committee. These assessments shall be advisory to the Committee and be considered in its ratings of the final candidates.
- At the conclusion of the on-campus interviews, the Committee shall rate the final candidates and present their report at a meeting with the Provost. The Provost shall meet with the Committee prior to entering into negotiations with the candidate(s) selected by the Provost.
- All aspects of the search and rating procedure shall conform to the University's Affirmative Action Hiring Procedure for Faculty and Academic Staff. The Assistant Provost and Assistant Vice President for Academic Human Resources and the Director of the Office of Affirmative Action Compliance and Monitoring shall provide full assistance to the Committee in the search process.
Procedures for Selecting an Associate or Assistant Dean for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- B.1. The Dean shall consult with:
- B.1.1. The College Advisory Council.
- B.1.2. The unit Chairpersons and Directors.
- B.1.3. A faculty committee representative of the area to be served by the Associate or Assistant Dean. Where a committee of elected faculty exists, such as the College Curriculum Committee or Board of Directors of MSU AgBioResearch and Extension Associations, these shall serve as the faculty to be consulted. Where no committee exists, a committee of not more than five representatives of the area involved shall be selected by the College Advisory Council.
Procedures for Selecting Other Administrative Officers within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- C.1. When administrative officers involving all units in the College are to be appointed or replaced, the Dean shall consult with the Associate and Assistant Deans, the unit Chairpersons and Directors, and the College Advisory Council in selecting the person recommended to fill the position.
- C.2. When administrative officers involving primarily specific units within the College are to be appointed or replaced, the Dean shall consult with the Associate and Assistant Deans, the Chairpersons or Directors of the units, and the Chairpersons of the Unit Advisory Committees within the units concerned, in selecting the person recommended to fill the positions.
- C.3. When administrative officers involving joint responsibility to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and another college are to be appointed or replaced, the Dean shall obtain counsel as indicated in C.1. and shall collaborate with the Dean(s) of the other college(s) concerned in selecting the person recommended to fill the position.
Faculty Grievance Procedure for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- This grievance procedure is intended to emphasize informal resolution and encourage every effort to be made at the unit, college, and university levels before the grievant files a formal complaint with the University Faculty Grievance Official (FGO). This grievance procedure is not intended to establish a separate or rival administrative structure nor is it intended to displace professional judgments where those judgments should take clear precedence.
- D.1. Prior to seeking resolution of a grievance at the college level, the grievant is encouraged to seek informal resolution at the unit level according to procedures outlined by the bylaws for their unit.
- D.1.1. If informal resolution at the unit level is not successful, the grievant is encouraged to seek informal resolution with the Dean of the College before filing a grievance.
- D.2. All grievance procedures outlined in this appendix parallel and support procedures set forth in the University Faculty Grievance Procedure approved by the Board of Trustees on June 9, 1995, and as may be amended. All grievances must follow this procedure.
- D.3. In the event of a grievance being filed under the Faculty Grievance Procedure and a hearing is required at the College level, the Model Academic Unit Grievance Procedure, approved by UCFA, applies.